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Lila Hamilton
- New Years

"Shawn!" I giggle, my hand going to his damp hair. He then blows raspberry on my stomach again, he had lifted my top up, body between my legs and his lips continuously kissing at my stomach.

"This is wild Lila. A baby is growing in there right now" his two hands run up and down my ribs. I hum falling back onto the pillows. My eyes focusing on the ceiling.

"Hey" Shawn catches my attention, another soft kiss being pressed to my skin. "Yeah?"

"What're you thinking about?" He asks, his head now resting on my upper thigh, hands massaging around my hips.

"How're we going to do this?" I ask, a small puff of air escaping my lips. "You're going on tour. My job is to dance, how will I dance? I don't know how to set up a baby's room, I don't know what that thing is called when you wrap the baby in blanket, do you know?"


"Yes. Fuck, I don't know how to do that. Do you? Do we even know how to burp it? Or how I'll feed the baby?" I feel Shawn shuffle up closer to me.

"How do we know when the baby is hungry? Or needs love? Or just-"

I'm cut off by Shawn's lips on mine. I don't kiss back for a few seconds, annoyed that he cut me off but how could I resist. I grab his face in my hands and kiss back, with just as much passion as him.

His leg shifts between mine and I gasp into his mouth.

"We're going to learn. Slowly, baby steps" he chuckles against me. "Don't stress out, I'm here for you" he says between kissing all over my face.

"Aren't you scared?" I let it out as a whisper.

"Fucking terrified" he breathes out flipping beside me. Both of us on our backs, eyes on the ceiling.

"Here's some champagne for you two" Jon comes over handing us the flutes. "Oh thanks" I smile, trying to not give away that I won't be drinking tonight.

We didn't want anyone to know yet, not even our closest friends just because we wanted to be sure. Like a hundred percent sure.

Shawn gently squeezes my side, as to ask me what the fuck I'm going to do.

"I need to pee, do you mind?" I nudge my glass towards Shawn. He takes it with a grin, god he was awful at keeping secrets. Every time someone would ask how we are, he'd whisper in my ear something like "the baby is good too". Or he'd refrain from any other pet names and tonight it was just baby or baby girl.

I make my way to the bathroom, nudging into a few people on the way.

"Lila! Come dance with us!" Brian exclaims. "Oh I'm good" I chuckle awkwardly. Now feeling particularly hot with everyone around me.

"Come on! The dancer won't dance? And where's your drink?" He asks drunkenly walking towards me. I laugh awkwardly looking around. "I'll go get one" I pat his shoulder and then I'm off to the kitchen.

Luckily no one was there. I quickly grab a red cup pouring in some apple juice. My body leans against the wall. This all felt like too much. All these people, hiding that I'm pregnant.

I gulped and counted my lucky stars as I walked back into the party scene.

"There She is!" Someone calls me. My hand is tugged forward and it's like the music got louder.

"Come on Lila!" Connor encourages me. I chuckle trying to play it off how uncomfortable I am. My hips gently swaying, one arm going in the air. I take a sip of the juice making them all roar with laughter.

More dancing is done and now I'm feeling sick. All these camera flashes, everyone talking and singing over each other.

I spot Shawn walking towards me, pure anger written all over his face. I scrunch my eyebrows at him in confusion.

"What are you doing?" He's quick to grab my waist in his grip. Everyone around us suddenly stopping their movements.

"Shawn don't, I don't feel too good" I whisper, my eyes pleading at him to let go.

"But the way you're acting, What're you drinking?" He snatches the cup from me.

"Shawn calm down, she's just having fun" Brian attempts to ease him. "Yeah let her drink and dance!" Sam giggles shoving Shawn lightly. And I see it in his eyes he's about to loose his shit.

"Just forget it" I whisper looking at him. "Why are you being so stuck up man?" Jon playfully nudges him.


"Don't" I cut him off. I didn't want anyone to know yet. I knew it would get out somehow, someone would tell a friend and that would turn into five friends then ten then the whole of Twitter.

"Because she's pregnant dammit!" He bursts out in anger. I let my shoulders drop, completely disappointed in him, he didn't want anyone to know either.

"She's having a baby and she's here dancing and partying like it's nothing" he was talking about me like I wasn't stood right in front of him. It falls quiet, everyone not knowing how to react because that's not the way you tell the people you love something so special.


"No, you're acting like you're not pregnant and you are. You're having a child and you're dancing like you have nothing to loose!" he shouts at me. "You're having a baby too" I nudge past him speed walking to our room.

Into the bathroom and I lock the door, sitting down on the floor.

Happy fucking new year.

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