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Shawn Mendes 
-two days later

"Oh god, that feels so good" Lila hums. She was sat between my legs in the bath. My hands massaging her tense shoulders.

"Yeah?" I chuckle kissing near her tattoo that I adored. "Hmm we have an appointment today" she says, taking my hands and bringing them to her stomach as she presses her back against my chest. The warm water was obviously relaxing her.

"Then we have to meet Yvonne today, erm with Jasper" I mumble the last part knowing it would stress her out even more.

I felt so incredibly guilty for not being here. I could see it in her eyes how tired she was. Completely drained of everything and I wasn't there.

"You'll be there, won't you?"

"All the way" my hands go to her stomach, I felt butterflies in my tummy from touching the bump. "We got this baby" I kiss the top of her head.

"Shawn, nice to see you again" Doctor Oslo grins. "You too" I smile shaking his hand.

Lila takes a seat and her hand reaches for mine. I can't believe this is the second appointment I've been to in three months. Of course the guilt was weighing down on me.

"No need to be nervous" Oslo calms Lila down. "I erm was bleeding yesterday, not a lot just spots of blood, is erm anything wrong?" Her voice shakes. I gently squeeze her hand.

"Spotting is common but I'll have a deeper look" he smiles warmly placing the wand on her stomach. "You're starting to show too"

"Yeah, it's exciting" she giggles then looks over at me. I could just see it in her eyes that she was a little happier, I made all the difference to this girl and she did to me.

"Okay, so the baby is a little smaller than a plum which is okay, still a little small and that can be down to stress" Oslo explains.

"Yeah erm just been stuck in a legal mess" she chuckles sadly to play it off. "I understand that, just take it easy. Tell your lawyers when it's too much"

We both nod simultaneously.

"So everything seems perfect, all the vital organs are here, facial features are forming as you can see-" he points to the screen "we see the head forming, everything is slowly coming together" he says looking between us. "And as for the gender, you can find out when you're sixteen weeks"

Lila looks up at me lovingly. "What if we kept it a surprise?" She anxiously bite on her bottom lip. "I'm okay with that" I nod, gently squeezing her hand.

"Well perfect, we'll keep it a secret and everything is well and good. Just remember to take it easy on yourself, your caring for your baby and yourself now" Oslo smiles.

After the news about our baby we had to head straight to meet Yvonne. So we got in a taxi and Lila leaned her head against my shoulder and her hands rest on her stomach.

I smile down at her giving her temple a quick kiss, I wished I could just absorb all her stress and sadness. I wish I had all problems right now. She doesn't deserve it one bit.

"Come on gorgeous" I gently tap her thigh. She gulps getting out the car holding my hand.

We make it inside the building and wait for the lift.

I see her hands shaking, she was emitting short staggered breaths and her eyes were moving everywhere.

"Hey" I cup her cheeks. "I won't let anything happen to you. After today you're done with this and we focus on our baby and us"

"yeah, our baby" she whispers, a small smile setting her on lips. "Yeah, our baby " I chuckle out of happiness and peck her lips just as the doors open. First Lila gets in and I follow her.

"Just take deep breathes, do as Yvonne says and we'll be in and out of there as quick as possible. Then we can go home, relax, I'll make us food and it's just us" I attempt to calm her down. She simply nods then walks out the lift, I stay close as we enter the meeting room, keeping a protective hand on her back.

He was there. Jasper sat beside his lawyer opposite where our seats were.

"Hey, feeling okay?" Yvonne walks over. Lila nods sitting down and I sit beside her.

If I could I'd fight Jasper right now. I'd beat him to death for what he did to the woman I love.

"Shawn" Lila whispers. I hum looking at her, her eyes watery and on the verge of crying.

"You're winning, not him" I whisper to her. I kiss her forehead and she sits back, I see her visibly attempting to control her breathing.

He was staring right at her, a fucking creepy look on his face that I wanted to slap. Lila kept her head down, her hand rubbing her stomach and the other laced with mine.

Yvonne goes on with some stuff and Lila nods in response. "Jasper, you are to stay away from Lila Hamilton and her family at all times. That means no communication via internet or face to face. Is that clear?"

He nods leaning forward against the table.

"Now sign the papers"

He takes the pen signing them. "Lila" Yvonne calls her.

Jasper reaches over holding the pen out. I quickly get up taking another pen and the paper and placing it in front of her.

She signs the papers shakily then puts the pen down.

"That's it, anyone want to add anything?" His lawyer asks.

"I'll still think about you" Jasper whispers.

"We're done, can we go?" Lila quickly asks uncomfortably. "Of course" Yvonne nods.

I get up, letting Lila walk ahead of me. Before leaving the room I turn back to him. "Fuck you" I spit. I slam the door shut and catch up to her. Silently we get in the lift and as the doors shut she lets out a sob.

"Baby" I sigh. I tug her into me and she holds my jacket in her hands pressing her forehead against my chest.

"No more" I whisper rubbing her back. "We can focus on our family"

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