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Shawn Mendes
-next morning

She was mad at me, I've never seen her this angry or upset.

This morning she wasn't even sleeping beside me, I found her on the sofa passed out, her cheeks red hot, hair sprawled all over and slightly sticking to her damp cheeks and a hand on her tummy.

I crouch down brushing her hair back making her shuffle a little.

"Hey baby" I whisper. She turns the other way completely shutting me out. Ouch.

"You want me to make you some breakfast? Some coffee-"

"I can't have coffee, I'm pregnant just to let you know, everyone else knows, literally everyone... Taylor was happy but dad wasn't happy that he found out I was pregnant over a news channel on YouTube" her anger was radiating from her body.

"And-and everyone messaged me this morning, congratulating me and asking why I didn't tell them. Even your fans, they're speculating about the baby, if it's true or not, they hate that I'm pregnant, hate that I'm having your baby. They think I'm selfish for not telling anyone" a sob escapes her lips.

"Babe, I'm so sorry-"

"You should be!" I've never seen her get away from me so quickly, she stands up clutching a blanket in her hands. "I knew people were going to find out eventually, I'm not delusional. I just wish it wasn't like this. We haven't even processed that we're having a baby!...  I wanted it to be our secret for just a month or two but no, now we have to share this with the whole world because-"

I walk towards her grasping her hands gently, leaning in towards her and my lips meet hers but she quickly pushes me off.

"What're you doing?" She asks in disgust.

"Kissing you, we didn't get our New Years kiss"

Her eyes flicker shut, her hand rising to squeeze her temples. Then she's looking back at me.

"You're fucking pathetic" and with that she storms away.

"She went to work" I answer to everyone's question about where Lila was. Wordlessly, she walked right past me, red dress on her body, black heels making her legs look impeccable. And she didn't even glance at me.

"She's mad huh" Andrew sighs. "Never seen her like it" I mumble bringing my beer to my lips.

"Did she explain why?" Zubin asks.


"And erm what did you say back?"

"I kissed her...in the middle of a sentence" I admit feeling stupid.

All the boys snigger, trying to hold in their laughter.

"And then what?" Matt asks.

"She pushed me away, calling me pathetic"

Again, laughter roars in the room.

"She's back" Brian runs in whispering from the kitchen. Lila following behind him. "Hey! It's the baby mama" Matt get up hugging her. She laughs a little then sits beside him, not me.

"How're you holding up?" Andrew asks. "Fine, finally threw up this morning. I was teaching a beginners class and then next thing you know I threw up" she explains.

I wasn't even there to help her or be there for her.

"You okay now?" I ask quietly. "Yeah... Eli got me some sweet potato fries they were really good and these girls, other dancers already got me a congratulations card. And I went to the doctors-"

"Without me?" I blurt out, now that hurt.

"To make an appointment. It's on the seventh" she replies. "That's three days before we leave" Andrew says.

Her face washed white. "Oh yeah" she mumbles. She forgot I was going.

"I'm gonna erm take a nap. It was nice seeing you all" she gets up politely excusing herself.

"Go" Zubin whispers. "She wants space" I whisper back.

"No she doesn't. Trust me I know, she probably wants that kiss right now"

I get up rubbing my sweaty hands on my jeans, opening the bedroom door. My heart breaks when I see her sat at the edge of the bed, small sniffles leaving her lips.

I make way towards her. Crouching down in front of her, my hands going to her thighs.

"You look beautiful" I compliment. She moves her hands from her face. "I know you like this dress" she says softly.

"I do" I nod, a small smile playing on my lips.

"I'm sorry, well and truly sorry. Sorry from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry with every bone in my body-"

"You don't have to Shawn... I was being dramatic-"

"You weren't. You have every right to be angry at me but we can fix it, I'm sorry honey, I hope you and the baby can accept my apology, if you wish"

She licks her lips quickly then her soft hands cup my cheeks. "We accept but you can't be a douchebag anymore Shawn. You need to be the cool dad"

My heart flutters. I'm going to be a dad.

"We're doing this together. You and me always-"

"And the baby" she adds on. I nod grinning like an idiot. "You, me and the baby" I nod.

"It's going to be hard" she whispers, the fear in her voice clear. "It will be" I tell her.

"I could use that New Years kiss right about now" she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth nervously. I push up a little so I'm level with her. She doesn't hesitate to meet my lips.

Both our eyes flickering shut. I reach for her face and her hands go to the back of my neck. I slowly push her back, my body hovering over her as we lock lips.

My tongue slips in eager for her but she quickly pulls back. "Are the guys still here?" She asks me.

"Who cares" I continue the kiss. She kisses me back for a short few seconds then pulls back, her face had lost colour.

I move away and she darts for the bathroom. I follow hot on her heels, leaning down and pushing her hair back and rubbing her back. Mentally cringing at the sound.

She pulls back leaning against the wall. I flush the toilet and sit opposite her grabbing some tissue to wipe her mouth.

"Are you ready for more of that?" She giggles tiredly.

I was ready but I was afraid I'll miss it, most people wouldn't want to be around their puking pregnant partners but i did. I want to help her. I was afraid I'd miss it all due to being away.

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