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Lila Hamilton
- home

Carmen had me in her arms, I was sobbing like I've never cried. My body jolted every time I'd hiccup.

I thought he was just a simple crush. Someone, a very handsome someone who had waltzed into my life and swept me off my feet.

"I- - just- don't" I hiccup a few cries between my words. "Lila, clam down" Carmen rubs my back. "He-" I decided to shut my mouth and just cry. Maybe I'm over reacting; how could my heart feel like it had been melted to lava by a boy, not even a man who I've known for such a short period of time.

"Whenever you're ready talk, I'm here" Carmen tells me. Everyone deserved a friend like her, she was the perfect balance between wild and caring. She had cancelled her date with Eli to be with me. I called her, the only person I could rely on, as soon as Shawn and Grace left. My words were inaudible but she came so quickly with Eli. He dropped us off home and now I'm here.

I sit back from her arms and she hands me a tissue letting me be for a few minutes.

"I love him" I let out, for the first time out loud and it felt so real. Carmens ocean eyes widen then she blinks quickly and they remain normal size. "Love?" She asks gently.

"I know it's stupid, we never touched beneath our clothes, we never kissed... all we did was dance and talk. But it felt so good" I say sniffling. "Did he say anything before he went?" She asks.

I shake my head no. "We have two lessons left" I say. I breathe in deeply and count to ten, letting myself relax as I feel my head burn and heart ache.

"Two lessons then next week he's getting married... I don't understand how he could- how he treated me when he's about to marry someone. How could he not tell me?... I made myself look like an utter idiot, I feel so fucking stupid for asking to kiss him or even assuming he was single, I mean he's so charming and good looking, why would he go for someone like me?" I choke out.

Carmen hands me a glass of water. I latch on taking large gulps. I place the water down and begin rubbing my sore eyes.

"Someone like you?" Carmen scoffs. "Lila you're so incredibly beautiful, so sweet and kind. If anything he doesn't deserve you. You're worth so much more than a second option Lila and he's such an idiot for not realising... I know it hurts right now and I'm sorry, I'm so incredibly sorry that you fell for the wrong man but I'm a hundred percent sure the right man is out there polishing his dancing shoes and getting ready to wow you because you deserve more than a man that led you on and turned out to be a liar" she says with so much passion.

I look up at Carmen feeling my chest get heavy again. "I still have to see him tomorrow and Thursday" i blink away my tears.

"Then let that happen, if the pussy even decided to show and if he has the balls to show up please kick him right in the-"

The doorbell goes of cutting her off. I let out a small chuckle when she grunts getting up.

For a second I have my thoughts to myself. Well not really, all I thought about was Shawn. He had come to me to learn to dance for another woman. I felt sick.

"Hey love" Eli walks in smiling at me. His hand laces with Carmen's as she drags him inside. And behind him was Jasper.

"Hi" I give them a faint smile. Jasper sits beside me as Eli and Carmen take up the love seat.

"You okay?" Jasper asks me. I nod as he pulls me in for a side hug.

"I'll drag him to the ring and beat the shit out of him, if you want" Jasper whispers in my ear. I shake my head letting a small giggle. "He doesn't deserve being beaten up by a man like you" I tell Jasper tucking my head further into his side.

"So..." Eli begins. "Love huh?"

Carmen hits his arm but Eli had the right to speculate. I fell in love so fast.

"How'd you know you love him?" Jasper asks. "Guys-"

"It's okay" I cut Carmen off. "I guess I just knew, I mean everyday we were together we spent it holding each others hands and talking. I don't know if you guys understand this b-but sharing a dance with someone is just a crazy feeling f-for me, I- I didn't mean to erm, to fall in love. He just was himself" I look down at my hands through my teary vision.

"He wasn't really himself was he though?" Carmen sighs. Eli looks up at her shaking his head, they were hiding something.

"What?" I ask, my lips trembling. Jasper holds me close rubbing my back soothingly.

"I don't want you to get even more hurt-"

"Just say it. Surely it can't get worse" I cut her off. Carmen sighs gripping onto Eli's hands. He brings them to his lips pressing a comforting kiss on her knuckles. "Go on, she needs to know" Eli whispers.

Carmens eyes soften as she faces me. "He's really not who you think he is, he literally lives another life... after you told us about the kiss thing I started to wonder who this guys was, it wasn't adding up that you didn't even know his last name. So I just googled 'Shawn'. Eli was beside me and he immediately recognised him; Shawn Mendes" she breathes out.

Even his name was beautiful.

"He's a singer, he's not like full blown famous but he's getting there. He has an EP coming out soon" she informs me.

"And you know I work in management, one of my buddies Andrew, I think he's going to be his manager" Eli adds on.

"And the girl?" I ask weakly. "I don't know, we only saw stuff about him but I can look" Carmen suggests. I shake my head no.

"I'm- I'm erm going to go shower" I mumble getting up but Jasper tugs my hand back. "Don't loose sleep over him" he says.

I nod walking away. I knew I wasn't going to sleep the whole night. How could I? The man I love pulled a Hannah Montana on me and now I'm left confused.

Our Dance: Shawn Mendes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now