Was it your first?

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Hoseok opened his eyes, quickly closing them back as the morning sunlight hit his face and blinked multiple times before getting used to the light and smiled, feeling a strong grip on his waist, recognizing the scent as his mate's.

He turned around and was met by Yoongi who was softly smiling at him and tightened the grip on his waist, "Good morning." He greeted, his voice just above a whisper.

"Good morning hoseok, how are you feeling?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok blushes lightly, the memories of last night swamping back to his head, "I-I'm feeling good." He said honestly. He was indeed feeling better than he has ever felt before, his body was more relaxed, light and loosen up. He just felt like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders over all.

Yoongi chuckled, half-sitting up as he held his head up with the palm of his hand, "You are blushing," he said, staring down at the omega.

Hoseok blushes deeper, pulling the sheets up to his face and kicks the alpha's leg under the blankets, "Shut up, I'm not." He grumbled.

Yoongi softly laughs and kisses his nose before getting off the bed, "What do you wanna have for breakfast?" He asked, searching for his clothes on the floor.

Hoseok glances at the alpha who was too busy looking for his clothes and just admired his body, his strong back muscles and his wide shoulders, not to mention his thick thighs. He missed the opportunity to truly enjoy him last night as he was too blinded by the lust caused by his heat,

"I'll just get it myself." He said and tried easing himself up but hisses as pain shoots through his lower back and bottom, "Fuck! That hurts!" How did he not feel this earlier? His ass was on fire and his legs were pained.

Yoongi was by his side the next second, pushing him down onto the mattress, "Just stay and relax hoseok, I'll prepare breakfast for you, hm?"

Hoseok nodded, feeling the pain go away as soon as he laid back down, "W-Why does it hurt so much?" He asked.

"Was it your first time?" Hoseok nodded and Yoongi couldn't help but smile, his gums showing, "Then that's why probably and thank you for allowing me to take your virginity." He teased, lightly pecking the younger's cheek.

"J-just go and make me some pancakes you lucky bastard." Hoseok said, pushing the alpha's chest and turns around to the other side.

Yoongi laughed, putting on his shirt, "Why I'm I lucky hoseok?"

"Because you don't have to have a dick go up your ass to get rid of pain." Hoseok blurted out before he could stop himself, blushing in embarrassment and wraps himself with the sheets like a burrito.

Yoongi chuckled softly, deciding to just let him be and walked towards the door, "Okay then, I'll just go and prepare your food."

Hoseok sighs as the alpha walked out and removed the sheets off of his face, blankly staring up the ceiling. He liked this a lot for some reason, to have someone care for you and take of you felt nice. The last time he felt really cared for was before his mother sadly became ill and he joined the military after which he had to act rough and emotionless. He really needed this and he was deeply grateful for the alpha.

Yoongi made his way to the kitchen, a big smile on his face, beyond happy that he was getting along with the omega just fine.

He starts searching for the pancake ingredients, opening the cabinets one by one until he finds everything and puts them out on the table, mixing everything up before heating up the pan and puts the mix in, making about twenty pancakes.

Putting them on two separate plates and dumped a good amount of syrup in, setting it on the coffee table in the living and also prepared two glasses of milk before going back to hoseok's room.


"Hoseok? Are you sleeping?"

He snapped out of his thoughts, turning around to look at the older who was making his way towards his bed. "A-ah.. no, already finished?"

"Yes, come on now. Let's have breakfast." Yoongi replied, scooping up the younger in his arms and carried him to the living room despite his protests.

"I could just eat it on my bed." Hoseok pouted, slumping down on the couch as the alpha put him down.

Yoongi chuckled, sitting beside him, "Stop being cute and eat your breakfast hoseok, bed is for sleeping not for eating." He said, picking up a a piece of pancake with the fork and held it in front of the younger's mouth, "Say aah."

Hoseok snatches the fork from him, putting the piece in his mouth, "I can eat it myself."

Yoongi snickered to himself, shaking his head with a smile and began eating his breakfast, a comfortable silence falling in between them. Munching noises being the only sound.

"Where's that kid by the way, I haven't seen him since yesterday." Yoongi curiously asked, grabbing his glass of milk as he finished his pancakes.

Hoseok put the last piece in his mouth, munching on it and swallowed before he spoke, "He moved out."

Yoongi gasped, a big gummy smile overtaking his face, "Really?! I'm so happy to hear that! Finally!"

Hoseok knocks the back of the excited alpha's head, making him groan, "It's not something exciting idiot, I already missed him." He pouted unknowingly, offended that the older was happy about taehyung's leave.

Yoongi rubs his head, playfully glaring at the omega, "You meanie... I was just happy that I finally got you all to myself."

"Taehyung was just like a little brother to me so I don't know where you are going with that." Hoseok says, reaching out his arm and ruffles the alpha's hair, "Sorry for hitting you."

"No it's fine, I deserve it anyway."

Hoseok giggled and leaned his head into the older's shoulder, smiling as he feels his comforting arms wrap around him.

They stay like that for awhile before hoseok spoke, "Yoongi?"

"Hm?" Yoongi hums in response, running his fingers through the omega's soft hair.

"Since you haven't found a place to live in yet, how about you maybe move in with me? I hate being alone."


(Sorry about the crappy chapter btw.)

Thank you for reading, see you on the next chapter. 💜❤️

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon