I'll let you know...

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Yoongi crawled over to the crying omega and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him onto his lap, "I'm sorry.." he murmured, hugging him tightly.

Hoseok just continued on crying, fisting on the alpha's shirt and buried his face on his chest. "S-Stop apologizing and just tell me what's going on with you please..." he said, sniffling as his cries died down.

Yoongi sighed and took out his phone, texting his driver to pick him up and put it back. "Let's go hoseok." He softly said, grabbing his shoulders to look at his face. He felt a painful tug at his heart for being the cause of those tears.

"Not until you tell me." hoseok grumbled, putting his head back on the alpha's chest. He was determined to make him speak and he was desperate at this point. Maybe if the alpha was not so closed off and actually tells him what the hell was going on with him and why he did what he did in the past, maybe they would've reached somewhere.

"Come on hoseok, our ride is here." Yoongi said, trying to get the omega off of him but the younger just ended up hugging him tighter. He doesn't have a problem with hugging him but they needed to get out of this smelly ally.


Yoongi sighed and picked him up in his arms, making his way to his car despite the the omega's pleas to put him down.

"This is kidnapping you monster.." hoseok said, hitting the alpha's chest weakly yet making no movement to get out.

Yoongi just let the omega hit him as he looked out the window, thinking how to get out of this situation, he doesn't want to tell hoseok about his job, afraid that he would hate him even more and he didn't want that.

Hoseok gave up after awhile and just rested his head on the alpha's chest, listening to his fast heartbeat. Is he nervous? Why is his heart beating so fast? He asked himself as he looked up, "What's up with you?" He asked, grabbing the older's face and turned him towards him.

Yoongi bit his lip as he observed the younger's face, his eyes flickering to his plump lips and quickly looked away, clearing his throat, "Nothing." He muttered, his heart beating faster if that was even possible.

"Are you nervous? Why?" Hoseok asked and put his fingers on the alpha's wrist, checking his pulse. He was showing all signs of extreme nervousness and he didn't know why.

Yoongi didn't reply. Of course he was nervous as shit when his omega was sitting on his damn lap, looking all beautiful and cute. He was trying his best not to pop a boner every time the younger moves.

"We are here boss."

Thanks god!

"Let's get inside hoseok."

"Why are we at your hou-"

Hoseok stopped at mid sentence, widening his eyes in shock as he observed the building in front of him, it was enormous, he didn't noticed it yesterday as he was in a hurry. No one with a normal job can afford or would live a place like this. It's a damn castle.


Yoongi just grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside, leading him to his living room and sat him down on the couch, "You still didn't let me tell you what the doctor said.." he started.

Hoseok shook his head, "No, first tell me what's your job and why you did what you did eight years ago then tell me what the doctor said." He said with pertinacity, looking up at the alpha's dark mysterious eyes. He wanted to know why and he wants to know it now.

Yoongi took a deep shaky breath and slowly sat down beside the omega, "Why do you want to know?"

"I have the right to know why my own mate would treat me like that, There had to be a reason behind it right? why is it so hard for you to just let me know?" Hoseok asked in exasperation, having enough of the alpha dodging his questions every time.

Yoongi sighed, throwing his head back as he rubbed his face, "Okay... I'll let you know."

Yoongi will reveal his reason on the next chapter, are you ready? Do you think it's too soon? Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter, love you 💕💜💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now