Pain and emptiness...

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Hoseok secretly escaped after he prepared food for the alpha and went to the place he named 'hell', the only place he hated more than his room that he spent his every day, the room that holds every painful sound that escaped his mouth, the room that witnessed his every thought and pain. The room that he cried in and wished he was never born.

"Why are you late Mr. Jung?" The teacher asked as he stepped in his second period class.

Everyone stared at him as he stood there like a fool, waiting for the disgusting words to be thrown at him like every time he steps in this hell.

"I-I'm Sorry..." he whispered loud enough to be only heard by the teacher. He could feel the tears of shame slowly making their way down his cheeks.

The teacher rolled her eyes at him and turned back around to continue the class, ignoring hoseok as if he was not there. As if he never existed. Is if he was just a mere feeling-less fool.

Holding back the tears, he made his way to his desk at the very back of the classroom that no one sits. They avoided him like he was a leech. As if he will infect them with his sad, lonely and full of pain life.

Hoseok sat down and finally the tears that he so desperately tried to hold back has fallen into his desk. As if his own tears were laughing at him that he couldn't hold them back.

He looked down at his desk and was not even surprised that there are new words on it after he got rid of them the last time he came to hell.

Are you finally dead? You didn't show up like a month. No one needs you anyway.
Whore lol
-your lovely classmate.

Hoseok just took off his book bag and pulled out his books, ignoring the words on his desk. He got too used to such things, they hurt so much that he couldn't feel pain anymore. His heart was numb.

"Ow..!" A loud whimper left hoseok's mouth as his butt made contact with the cold cemented floor.

"Aww is little baby hurt?" One of his bullies who was responsible for his fall asked in a mocking baby-like tone.

Hoseok just kept quiet and tried getting up but another harsh kick to his ribs sent him flying back to the floor.

A punch from the buff guy from his bully group went to his chin, that surely broke the bone at how hard it was. And the beating went on and on.

Can't they just leave him alone already? They bullied him so much he didn't care what they do to him anymore, he doesn't feel physical pain anymore. They were wasting their time. Didn't they have lives to live unlike him?

"What's going on in here!?" A teacher yelled as he made his way to the group of students in the middle of the hallway.

"It's not over little one." The leader said as they ran away from the scene, happily fist-pumping each other that they escaped.

The teacher finally reached where hoseok was when everyone scattered away and just looked down the bloody boy on the floor.

"You okay there?"

Hoseok nodded and painfully got up, making his way to the bathrooms to at least wash off the blood before he goes back to 'home'

the teacher sounded like he didn't care, like he was disgusted to even look at him.
Hoseok didn't blame him though, everyone that knows him looks at him that way. From his own parents to strangers. He got too used to it, it was normal for him. Maybe he deserved it.
Hoseok opened the door and got inside, hoping Yoongi was not there. He couldn't handle anymore hitting and he is sure the alpha will hit him for going outside after he told him not to go anywhere.

"Y-yoongi..." And there goes his last hope.

"Didn't I tell you not to go outside the house?" Yoongi growled, using his alpha voice at the little omega.

Hoseok's entire body and heart began to shake as he heard that voice, the voice that held nothing but upcoming hits and painful words.

"I'm talking to you, slut."

Hoseok wanted to laugh at that word. slut? He has never even kissed before, he thought that word was for people who sleep with everyone at every chance they get. But that word suits him in some way. Every person he knows hits him. Maybe he is a slut, a punch slut.


A sharp pain pierced his cheek, a slap from non other than his own mate. This hurts more than the hits of his bullies. His inner wolf was in love with the alpha so no wonder it hurts so much.


Hoseok went in his room and closed the door behind after harsh full kicks and words, now bloody and hurt.

He took a shower and put on a The only clothes he could find since all his clothes were either dirty or stained with blood and slipped under his covers.

Hoseok fall asleep after an hour of trying to clam down his crying omega, he was exhausted and tired from everything.

It was just another night of nothing but pain and emptiness for him. It was normal.

Just heads up, this story takes place in a world where omega's opinions and feelings doesn't matter. Alphas dominate and control everything. so hoseok can't do anything but receive what's thrown at him.

 so hoseok can't do anything but receive what's thrown at him

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THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now