Stop hurting yourself...

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Hoseok was randomly picking his nails, sitting on the couch in an awkward position as he waited for Yoongi to get out of the bathroom so he could leave.

"How many more fucking hours do you need?!" He yelled.

"One more hour unless you come in and bathe me since I have a wound and struggling!"

Hoseok blushed hearing that, his heart skipping a beat and his wolf whining from the loneliness he felt.

"Just hurry up."

Long minutes later, Yoongi came out out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist, exposing his lean and muscular figure, his hair wet and water trickling down his body.

Hoseok swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and looked away, the alpha's scent was too strong at the moment, making his wolf whimper slightly but hoseok ignored it and stood up, "I'll go home now, your medicine is on that table and do you have a ride?" He asked.

Yoongi gave him a hard stare, his expression unreadable before looking away, "Yes, I have a ride. Thank you and please go home safe."

Hoseok forced a small smile and quickly left the hospital, his heart beating wildly as he ran to the bus stop, he could feel his stomach crumbling painfully. He was in a big trouble, his heat was approaching.

"Fuck!" He cursed under his breath and got in the bus, sitting at the very front sit and prayed that he could reach home quick.

His scent is getting stronger and his pants are getting wetter as he rubbed his thighs together. He could feel all the alphas that are hungrily staring at him, whistling dirty words and he couldn't take it anymore.

Pushing the stop button, hoseok quickly got off the bus before he even reached home and sat in a little corner of the street, bringing his legs up to his chest as he rocked himself back and forth, small tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.


Hoseok looked up at the deep voice that spoke to him and smiled, his tears falling down, "Tae tae."

Taehyung took off his jacket and pulled hoseok up into a standing position, wrapping the jacket around his waist and picked him up, "It's okay hyung, I'm here."

Hoseok rubbed his teary eyes onto the younger's chest, taking in his strong scent and glanced up at him, "Thank you tae, but how did you find me?" He asked, sniffling.

"I was passing by.."

"Hmm... I was with my mate, I think that's why it came all of a sudden." Hoseok admitted after awhile of silence, as taehyung put him down to open their front door.

"Was he the reason you didn't come home last night?"

"Y-Yeah, I won't see him again though, i just helped him get to the hospital."

"That's good, he's toxic for you hyung. Did you have breakfast yet?" Taehyung asked, walking towards the kitchen while hoseok ran into his room.

"Not yet!" Hoseok yelled, locking his door and made his way to the bathroom, quickly taking out his medicine from the cabinet, "It's been only a week..." he mumbled, staring down at the bottle.

His heat is supposed to come every once in a month but ever since his alpha showed up, its been randomly coming whenever it wants. The last time he visited the hospital, the doctor told him that if he keeps taking pills for his heat, he's only going to hurt himself. His wolf wants its alpha and the pills are just caging its desires. Hoseok has been taking them for too long it's starting to not be effective for too long.

He sighed and took them anyway to at least subside the pain a little bit and took a cold shower, changing his clothes and came out of his room after he calmed down.

"Have breakfast hyung." Taehyung said, pulling hoseok to the kitchen and sat him down.

"Thank you tae." He thanked the younger and started eating his pancakes.

"Hyung." Taehyung called as soon as the older finished his food.


"You know you are just hurting yourself if you keep taking those pills, they are bad for you."

Hoseok halted and turned around quickly, "What do you mean tae?" He asked, panicking a little by the younger's sudden words.

"You know what I mean hyung, stop denying and telling yourself that you are fine. Nothing is fine."

Hoseok sighed, putting his head on the table and just closed his eyes for awhile, "What do you expect me to do? There's Nothing else I could do about it than take pills." He mumbled.

Taehyung got up and sat next to his hyung, running his fingers through the older's hair softly, "There's something else you could do hyung."

Hoseok sat up, facing the younger, "Like what?"

"Spend your heat with another alpha, it doesn't have to be your mate. It can help you at least a bit."

What do you think of taehyung's suggestion? Should hoseok listen?

Thank you for reading 😃💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now