Hold me tight

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Hoseok, still in a daze took slow steps towards him and entered the house after the alpha, his mouth hanging wide open yet again at the beautiful scene in front him.

The first thing he saw being a beautiful decorated table. It was covered with a red cloth, lit candles and his favorite flowers on it AND all of his favorite foods. His mouth almost watered at the sight but He quickly adverted his eyes to the rest of the house. There was a white couch and a flatscreen TV about five inches away from the table. It seemed like the whole house was just a living room and a bedroom upstairs since there was a staircase going up. No kitchen. He loved it nonetheless.

Hoseok turned around and wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck, "Thank you, yoon." He whispered, planting a gentle kiss onto his lips.

Yoongi smiled in return and led the younger to the table, pulling the chair out for him and sat opposite of him. "Let's eat, I'm sure you are hungry."

Hoseok grinned and picked up a fork and a knife, "More than hungry, don't blame me if I finish all of this alone." He said and started stuffing his mouth.

Yoongi chuckled, grabbing a spoon, "I won't blame you, it was all for you so I don't mind."

They ate in silence after that, the only sound being their utensils constantly clicking and the sound of food being demolished.

"Woah.." hoseok burped loudly as he leaned back onto his chair while rubbing his stomach, "My tummy looks like I'm carrying another baby," he giggled, "I ate too much." He looked down at his tummy and pouted before looking up at Yoongi who was looking at him with a small smile, "It's not funny." He whined.

Yoongi tried all his might to not smile wider but his lips refused to listen to him as they stretched across his mouth and his eyes twinkled with amusement. Hoseok was just too adorable, he couldn't help it. He watched as hoseok's pout deepened and his eyebrows furrowed.

Shit, he was not ready for an angry omega. He quickly got up and dashed towards upstairs to save his life. He shouldn't have smiled.

Hoseok's mouth hanged open in disbelief, "Yah!" He screamed as he got up and grabbed a broom before dashing after the alpha. "How dare you laugh at me?!" He yelled, angrily banging on the bedroom door.

"I swear I was not laughing at you! I was just smiling because you were too cute!" Yoongi defended himself.

"Don't lie! You were laughing because I'm fa-" the door opened all of a sudden and before hoseok knew what was going on, he found himself pinned on the wall and an angry Yoongi glaring down at him, "Yoon-" his words were cut short as Yoongi smashed their lips together into a hungry kiss, hoseok winced at the contact but slowly kissed back, whimpering quietly as the alpha's pace was too fast and rough for him.

Yoongi pulled away breathing heavily and cubbed hoseok's cheeks with his warm hands, his eyes filled with emotions as he stared at the younger's eyes, "Hoseok?" He called.

Hoseok gulped, yoongi's eyes looked like they were about to tear up and it scared him, "Y-yes?" He shakily responded,

Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat and looked down at hoseok's lips that were slightly bruised, "Look at your finger," He told him, touching his bottom lip gently with apologetic eyes.

Hoseok was slightly confused but looked down at his hand and what he saw next knocked the breath out of him and brought tears to his eyes. "W-when..?"

There was a shiny diamond ring on his ring finger. When the hell did he put it on?

Yoongi pecked the younger's lips that started to tremble and brought him to his chest, hugging him tightly, "Now, will you accept me hoseok? Will you allow me to be your husband that will take care and love and cherish you forever?"

Hoseok did not know what to say and started sobbing into his alpha's chest, his heart bursting with unknown emotions, the clearest one being happiness. He couldn't believe this was happening. He waited for this moment since he found out that he was pregnant with soobin and now that it it happened, he couldn't help but break down because he it seemed too unrealistic and he was overwhelmed by it.

Yoongi stayed still, his heart hammering inside his rib cage as he held the omega tighter, waiting for his answer. "Take your time baby." He whispered, his voice cracking a little.

Hoseok took his time and cried harder, sobbing out ever emotion he felt at the moment until he calmed down after ten minutes. He looked up at his alpha, small tears still escaping his now puffy eyes, "Yes Yoongi, Yes. I'll be your husband. You don't know how much I was waiting for this moment." He chocked out, new wave of emotions hitting him again as he accepted his alpha's proposal.

Yoongi took a deep breath to stop himself from breaking down in front of his omega and just hugged him again, "Thank you." Was all he could say as his heart and and mind were too shocked that hoseok actually accepted him and couldn't form any other words.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok softly called after awhile of listening to the alpha's ragged breathing.


"Let it out please, it's not healthy to bottle up your emotions. Just cry, I'll hold you."

And Yoongi listened. He letted out everything, pain, happiness, sadness and everything else he was feeling through tears and hoseok held him tightly as he promised through the emotional wreck.


Thank you for reading everyone!
I love you all 💗

Thank you for reading everyone! I love you all 💗

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THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now