My heart hurts...

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Hoseok glanced down at his phone and looked back up, his eyes wondering around him in search for the café Yoongi sent him the address of.

"Where the fuck is it..?" He muttered, rubbing his freezing hands together, the wind was harsh and it was cold. He's been looking for it for over twenty minutes now and he still haven't found it yet. He was about to give up until...


Hoseok quickly turned around, startled as he grabbed his pounding heart with his free hand, "You fucking scared the shit out of me." He said, glaring at the alpha.

"I'm sorry hoseok, I didn't mean to startle you." Yoongi replied, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Hoseok stared at him for a second before sighing, "Where is the damn café? I have been looking for it for ages. I was about to go back."

"It's here, this door."

Hoseok looked in front of him, his eyes wide in disbelief, "So the place that I have been looking for a fucking twenty minutes was right front of me," he face palmed, earning a chuckle from the alpha as he looked at the small door that was almost covered by trees. It doesn't even look like a café, it looks more like an a bounded house so no wonder he couldn't find it.

"Let's just get in."

"After you hoseok." Yoongi said, gesturing for the younger to get in first as he held the door open for him.

Hoseok murmured a small thanks and entered, the smell of a strong coffee immediately hitting his nostrils, he had to scrunch up his nose. He hates that smell.
The place was empty, the only people that were there being the two of them and a waiter. He assumed it's not a popular café.

"Do you want to order first?" Yoongi asked as they sat down.

"Sure," hoseok raised his hand up for the waiter and picked up the menu, "A strawberry chocolate cake and a vanilla milkshake please."

"And you sir?" She asked Yoongi.

"Just a glass of cold water."

"Why not something to eat?" Hoseok asked, eyeing the alpha in front of him.

"I ate breakfast this morning."

"Oh yeah." Hoseok murmured awkwardly, biting his bottom lip and took out his phone to distract himself. He doesn't understand why he asked that question, he shouldn't care if the older ate or not.

Their orders came after awhile and hoseok has never experienced something more awkward than this. He couldn't enjoy his favorite cake because Yoongi was just sitting there, staring at him as he ate.

"Fuck! I can't eat with you staring at me like that, it's so fucking awkward." He exclaimed, putting his fork down.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was just waiting for you to finish your meal." Yoongi replied, "I'll just use my phone till you finish, please continue." He added, taking out his phone.

Hoseok sighed, "Stop apologizing, it makes everything more awkward. What the hell has gotten into you? Are you sure you are the Min Yoongi I knew eight years ago?" He asked, irritated with how they are acting like nothing happened between them in the past. He wanted an explanation.

A hard, unreadable expression passed through Yoongi's face for a moment before he sighed, almost sadly, putting down his phone and looked up, "I invited you here to tell you about-"

"Stop Yoongi! Stop making excuses and just fucking tell me why? Why you treated me like a fucking abounded doll?! What have I done to you that made you treat me like that?! I always wanted to ask you but I didn't had the courage because you were like a fucking monster that I couldn't even look at! I had to sleep with fear running through my blood every night, a fear of what you might do to me once I wake up! You know how fucked up and sad that is?!" Hoseok was on full rage mode now, his blood boiling with anger as all the memories from the past and yoongi's harsh full treatment crushed down in his head like a truck driven by a drunk driver.

"Hoseok- Fuck!" Yoongi yelled as a bullet came right through the window beside them, landing on hoseok's cake.

"What the fuck?!"

"Hide under the table hoseok!" Yoongi screamed, pulling down hoseok with him as he took out his gun, shooting at the masked guy that just came in the café.

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"We need to get out of here." Yoongi said, grabbing hoseok's hand and sprinted towards the back office of the café, shooting another masked guy before he exited through the back door and ran out with hoseok.

They panted, stopping at an alley and leaned back on the wall, trying to regain their breath.

"W-what are you Yoongi?" Hoseok asked the question he's been dying to know the answer to ever since he found Yoongi in that bathroom in the club that night.

"It's not important."

That response triggered something in hoseok, making his face turn red with anger as he pushed himself up from the wall and grabbed the alpha's collar, "What the fuck do you mean by it's not important! We almost died like fucking five minutes ago because of you! Those men wanted to kill you! What the actual fuck have you done?! Are you a fucking drug dealer or some fucked up shit?!" He screamed at the alpha's face. He was furious, angry, irritated, annoyed and confused, his eyes watering a little by the amount of emotions he was feeling and the unknown sadness. He was all over the place.

"Y-you are c-choking me.." Yoongi stammered out, going into a fit of coughs after the omega released him and fell to the dirty ground.

Hoseok fell after him, sniffling as tears streamed down his cheeks, chocked sobs escaping his lips, "T-tell me please... it hurts not knowing why a person would hurt you so much with no absolute reason... my heart hurts least tell me why so maybe this pain in my heart lessens a bit... "


Please leave some questions for them. Ask anything you are curious about, you can say something else too, it doesn't have to be a question.



Thank you for reading 😃💜💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now