Who are you?

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"YOONGI!!" Hoseok screamed, shutting his eyes and covered his ears with his arms, falling to the ground with a loud cry.

Yoongi just stood there, frozen, his heartbeat frozen, his stomach twisted and his breath stopped, waiting for death...


A body slammed against his, making him fly to the other side of the garage and hit his already bleeding head on a metal pole, immediately passing out due to the extreme hit.

Hoseok slowly removed his arms from his ears and opened his eyes, expecting to see his mate dead on the floor but was not expecting to see someone else...


"Check on Yoongi, I'll take care of him." Sally said and walked towards atlas who looked like he ran out of bullets, running after him as he tried to escape and grabbed him by the ankle, pinning him to the ground. "You fucking punk!" He growled, beating him up with the gun before taking out his loaded one and shot him on the head, getting rid of him for good.

Hoseok immediately turned his head, not able to stand the blood and crawled to Yoongi, his legs too weak to hold his weight from the shock , "Y-Yoongi.." he called, picking up his head and noticed the stream of blood that he shed.

Panicking, hoseok quickly takes off his scarf and wrapped it around the alpha's head in an attempt to stop the bleeding,

"Let's take him to the hospital." Sally spoke behind him, putting his gun in his belt loop and picked up Yoongi, carrying him to his car and put him in the backseat before getting on the drivers seat.

Hoseok thanked him and got on the backseat with the unconscious alpha, pulling him onto his lap and softly kissed his forehead, "Please be okay." He mumbled, fat tears streaming down his cheeks.

If by any chance Yoongi doesn't get up or something bad happens to him, hoseok doesn't know how he will live the remaining of his life, he will never be able to forgive himself and will forever regret for tasting that drink.

They could hear the police sirens as sally drove out of the garage at full speed.


Yoongi was now in the emergency room and hoseok was sobbing in Sally's arms, his face buried in his chest as they sat on the benches in front of the room. "It's going to be okay hoseok, Yoongi will wake up. Please calm down."

"W-what if he d-doesn't?" Hoseok asked, hiccuping as he looked up at sally, his face and eyes red due to the ton of crying he did.

Sally sighed, pulling hoseok back to his chest and started running his hand on his back soothingly, "He'll wake up, I promise."

Two hours later, the doctor came out of yoongi's room, his clothes covered in blood as he took off his mask and walked towards the two, "How is he?" Hoseok asked nervously, biting his bottom lip in anticipation.

"He suffered from a pretty bad concussion but he's thankfully alive and is doing fine, we will see if there's anything else wrong with his head once he wakes up, he could wake up the next second or the next year so we don't know yet but you can visit him now." He said and quickly walked away to take care of another patient.

Hoseok immediately rose up from his seat, running to the entrance of his mate's room and entered inside, his heart beating with anticipation and his eyes watering more.

"Y-Yoongi." He whispered, taking yoongi's hand in his and sat beside his bed, looking down at his blank face.

"Yoongi, please wake up." He sobbed, tightening his grip on the alpha's hand and leaned down, closing his eyes and pecked his forehead, "P-please yoon."


The voice was very faint, almost silent. Almost unheard, but hoseok heard it and snapped his eyes open. His mouth hung in complete shock and his his eyes watered with cries of joy this time, Yoongi was awake. Yoongi was fine.

"Y-Yoongi.." he could barely speak, hiccups and sniffles flooding out of his throat as he tried to stop crying, "Y-You are awake Yoongi."

Yoongi winced, his free hand holding the side of his head as he stared down at the omega that was clinging onto his hand and tilted his head in confusion, "Who are you."

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now