Please be safe...

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"Hey there beautiful."

Hoseok sighed and glared at the alpha in front of him, "What do you want?" He asked, annoyed by his attitude.

"A glass of wine and you on top." The alpha said, smirking with cockiness as he blew a kiss towards hoseok.

Hoseok took a deep breath, seconds away from snapping his stupid head Off and just prepared his wine, forcefully putting it on the counter after, "Here, and get out of my sight if you don't wanna be dragged out of here." He said, so much venom evident in his voice as his eyes turned slight gold.

"Okay Okay, chill babe. I'll go." The alpha hurriedly stood up and took his wine, walking away. "Woah... didn't expect a beautiful omega to be that scary." He mumbled, glancing back at the omega.

Hoseok sighed for the umpteenth time that night and sat on his high chair, softly banging his head on the wooden table as he waits for another customer to show up.

You see, this is what he has to deal with every night. Horny alphas or creepy people. It's been only three days since he started working in the club and he's questioning himself if he chose the right job. Well.. it pays well so maybe it's not half bad.

Another thing is that, this place is constantly reminding him of his alpha, as it's the place that he found him. What if he shows up in here? Is the question that is constantly in his mind. Ever since the alpha left his house that day, his heart developed a new wound, it hurts him that Yoongi just acted like nothing happened between them in the past. And had the audacity to ask him who taehyung was as if they had something going on, it made him angry.


Hoseok stood up at fast tilt, hitting his kneecap on the table and hissed, "fuck!" He whisper shouted and shook his head, walking back to the front counter and-

Thinking of the devil and he shall appear.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked, fisting his hands under the counter as anger bubbled inside of him.

Yoongi blinked twice before sighing and grabbed a glass from the table, putting it in front of hoseok, "Pincer vodka please."

Hoseok was surprised at how yoongi's voice sounded so weak, now taking a good look at him, he looked horrible, a broken arm, a huge bandaid that he could see through the blood wrapped around his head. He looked paler than a vampire and his eyes were bloodshot red, dark circles around them. His lips were colorless.

"P-pincer vodka..?" He asked to make sure because that drink is the strongest alcohol you could imagine, it contains 88.8% alcohol and could knock out the manliest man in a matter of seconds.

Yoongi was no way in shape or form at the moment to drink Pincer, especially in this condition. He looked almost dead.


Hoseok nodded, taking the glass with sweaty hands and started preparing the drink, he almost asked the alpha what happened to him and that it was not appropriate for him to drink pincer vodka. But he stopped himself, he shouldn't care.

"Here." He slides the glass to him and walked away but stopped on his tracks as Yoongi spoke again.


he couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with the alpha. His voice... it sounded so hurt, fragile like a lost puppy. Was he trying to make him feel bad?


"Ice please." Yoongi weakly said, pointing at his glass with his unhurt arm.

Hoseok sighed and scooped up a spoonful of ice cubes from the freezer under the table, dumping it into Yoongi's drink.

"Anything else?"

"No, thank you." He smiled, showing his gums and held up his glass with a shaky hand and began drinking.

Hoseok turned around and walked back to his chair, his eyes unmoving from the alpha across from him as he watched him take small sips, almost dropping the glass multiple times, his hands were too shaky. What the hell happened to him in the past three days? That person is not the powerful alpha he saw three days ago.

"Thank you." Yoongi said, bowing his head and put the money on the counter and immediately left.

"What the Hell?" Hoseok thought, putting the money in a jar and blankly just stared at the door Yoongi left through.

snapping out of his daze with a shake of his head, he glanced down at the empty glass, He finished the whole thing.

Hoseok sighed and took the glass to the kitchen. He couldn't help but think about his mate. Is he going to make to home safe?

He shouldn't care but he couldn't help it as he hurriedly took off his apron and ran out of the club. He had a bad feeling at the bit of his stomach.

Please be safe....

What do you think of Yoongi now? Should hoseok care?

What do you think of Yoongi now? Should hoseok care?

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See you on the next chapter 😃

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now