Following him...

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Yoongi stared at the door as hoseok left the hospital. He didn't failed to notice how fidgety and nervous he looked and how his pleasant fragrant scent got stronger, filling up his nostrils.

He quickly put on his clothes and a mask and ran after him, ignoring the aching pain coming from his wounded side and followed his mate.

Hoseok was in his heat and Yoongi figured out. It was dangerous for him to be out with no alpha beside him.

He stopped as hoseok took the bus and rushed in before it could leave, the omega was too focused on his feet to notice him so he stood next to him, keeping his distance so he wouldn't be noticed.

Yoongi fisted his hands until his knuckles turned white, glaring at the disgusting alphas that were hungrily staring at his omega. He was close to snapping their neck but he held himself so hoseok wouldn't notice him.

"Allow me to fuck you real good pretty omega!" An alpha yelled, directing his words towards hoseok and that was yoongi's last straw of patience as he punched the guy on the cheek really hard, he doubted his teeth haven't shook and got off the bus before the guy could do anything, following hoseok.

The omega ran to a little corner on the street and sat down, bringing his legs up to his chest as he rocked himself. Yoongi could tell he was in pain.


Yoongi was too late.

He watched as that taehyung guy wrapped his jacket around his omega's waist and carried him away from him.

Hoseok was in his heat. And he was with an alpha. Yoongi didn't want to know or imagine what they could do. His heart burned with jealousy yet he couldn't move and get him back because he knew he wronged him and doubted that hoseok even wants to be near him, he made it clear last night that he helped him only because he has a heart unlike him, who was cruel and heartless.


Holding back the tears of knowing that he lost someone he couldn't live without and the tears of guilt, Yoongi turned around to his right hand man.

"You were not at the hospital, are you okay?"

Yoongi ignored him and got on the back seat of his car, throwing his head back as he closed his eyes.

He wanted to be the one to carry hoseok and bring him to his house, make love to him if the omega lets him, if not, Yoongi would do anything else to at least ease the omega's pain by kissing every inch of his body, telling him how much he regrets everything that he did to him, telling him how much he loves him. Bathe him with warm water and wrap him with a soft blanket, hold him against his chest and whisper soothing, sweet nothings to his ear.

He tugged his hair, biting his bottom lip as a choked sob escaped his throat, Yoongi was too fucking blind and selfish to make the right decision, it was eight years ago and he was still not fully grown yet to make logical decisions but he still didn't find that as an excuse for the horrible things he did to his innocent mate.


Sally gulped as his boss called his name, looking up at the rear mirror, "Yes boss?" He responded.

"How do you ask someone for forgiveness?" Yoongi asked, chewing up his lip with anticipation.

"It depends on what kind of relationship you have with that person and what things you are willing to do for them to show them that you are genuinely sorry."

"What kind of relationship do I have with hoseok?" Yoongi asked himself.

His past abuser?
His cruel mate?
A stranger?

He didn't know, but he is willing to do anything for hoseok to forgive him. Find out the end of the earth, cross fire and ice for him, kill thousands for him, count the fucking sand if he have to. Willing to do Everything and anything for him. Would that make hoseok to at least forgive him if not mate him? he hoped so, he couldn't live peacefully until then.

Sally looked up at the mirror above him, watching as his boss finally fell asleep after a lot of tossing and turning, painful tugs at his hair and lots of curses.

He got off the car and opened the back door for his boss but sally didn't want to wake him up. He looked peaceful so he took a blanket and softly draped it over his boss's body.

He has never experienced his boss go through so much pain and emotions, he was always cold and emotionless, ever since that day he came back to the building, Yoongi was screaming and crying, banging his head on the walls and wouldn't allow any of them near his office and none of them knew why.

But sally kind of knew now that it was a person, a person he loved. "Good luck with whoever it is boss." He softly whispered and turned on the AC, closing the door of the car and went inside the building to do the work his boss couldn't do this past days.


I hope you liked this and thank you for reading 😇💜💜💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now