Where i'm i?

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Yoongi clocked out of his job when the clock struck at 1:00 AM and went back at home, changing into a nice black suit and bought a bouquet of flowers before driving to hoseok's work place.

He pulled up in front of the club and stepped out of his red Merceds, fixing his black shades as he clutched the bouquet of flowers in his other hand.

He was planning on taking the omega out on a romantic date to the beach and watch the stars together. He thought now was the perfect timing as the sky was clear and there were a lot of stars visible.

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi walked inside and immediately he could feel something was wrong when he didn't see hoseok at his usual chair.

"Hello? Anyone there?!" He asked, looking around the strangely empty club and walked around the counter to the back office, finding there was also no one there.

He quickly took out his phone and dialed hoseok's number, putting it on his ear as he walked in further to the bathroom, maybe he is just in the bathroom taking a dump—he hopped.

But his hopes crushed when hoseok's phone rang from the counter and he received a message from unknown number.

Come find your little omega before he dies.
Hint: he is at somewhere you killed our boss once.

"Fuck!" He cursed, crushing his phone to the ground out of anger and ran out of the club, hopping on his car and sped off.


Hoseok slowly opened his eyes, his mind still too sleepy to acknowledge his surroundings and softly groans as he tried moving. His head was pounding and his bladder was full.

A shiver runs down his body as a cold wind blew his way and He jolts awake in fear, where I'm I? He tried moving but he couldn't, he could feel a rope wrapped around his whole body and his arms were also tied behind his back, He tried speaking but nothing came out of his mouth due to the extreme dryness he felt in his throat.

Wherever he was, was very dark but he could make out a figure sitting on a chair few meters away from him, watching him.

"Finally awake omega."

His voice was raspy and too deep and extremely annoying, hoseok doesn't remember hearing it anywhere before, "Where I'm I? And what the fuck do you want?" Was the only thing he wanted to know.

Hoseok couldn't see his face but he could see the figure walk towards him slowly and stopped right before him, clapping his hands as the lights came on, "I'm Atlas and Wow you look so much better up close little omega, I couldn't get enough of you just watching you from afar." He said, completely ignoring hoseok's questions.

"You fucking psycho! Untie me and let me go before I call the police!" Hoseok yelled, trashing around the chair he was tied to.

Atlas gave an animalistic growl and suddenly backhanded him across the face, splitting his upper lip.

Hoseok cried out in pain, squeezing his eyes shut as his lips started bleeding, blood dribbling down his chin and to his mouth. He blinked rapidly for few seconds, his ears ringing loudly.

"Don't yell at me omega," he grabbed hoseok's hair, "I'll be your alpha soon after I take care of your shit boyfriend."

Hoseok's head jerked up at that, "B-boyfriend?"

"Yes, your little boyfriend min Yoongi." He smirked.

Hoseok gulped, his heart beating faster and his palms beginning to sweat, "W-Why? What do you want from him?" He asked, trying his best to mask his fear. No, Not his Yoonie.

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora