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Hoseok shut his alarm off and sleepily sat up, rubbings his eyes to focus on his surroundings.

"Yah! Hoseok!" Jackson banged on his door, startling hoseok.

"Yeah?" He responded and got off the bed, his little feet making contact with the cold wooden floor.

"Y-yes hyung?"  He opened the door slightly, peeking his head through the little crack.

"Come out, I wanna tell you something or I can come in?" Jackson tried to open the door wider.

"N-no!" hoseok quickly swatted the older's hand away and closed the door.

"What the hell hoseok!"

"S-Sorry Jackson, I-I'm naked I'll come out in a minute!" He lied, running to the bathroom and quickly took his anti-scent pill to get rid of his natural fragrant scent.

He didn't want to risk Jackson finding out that he was yoongi's mate, he might tell the alpha and hoseok was still not ready to face the scary alpha. He could feel his wolf scoffing at him as it rolled its eyes.

Mentally glaring at it, Hoseok took a deep breath and came out of the bathroom, opening his front door. Jackson was sitting on the couch watching some random show on the TV.

"H-hey." He awkwardly sat beside the older.

Jackson turned off the tv and faced him with sad expression on his face and sighed.

"I'm going to move out."

"W-what...?" Hoseok was terrified of what Yoongi would do to him if Jackson moves out. Yoongi doesn't physically hurt him when Jackson is there and only insults him. But Now that Jackson is moving out, it means constant physical abuse. he may not make out alive out of the house.


"I'm going to leave to the USA to live with my boyfriend, sorry I couldn't tell you sooner."

"O-okay..." hoseok shakily replied, all the possible things that the alpha might do to him flashing through his head.

Jackson gave him apologetic smile and got up. "I have already packed my things, I'm flying this afternoon." He said and headed to his room.

Hoseok nodded and leaned back to the couch, tears already threatening to fall out of his eyes.

He also would have moved out if he could, but he was only a high school student with no parents and money, the only relatives that is living that he knows of being his old grandmother that lives in gwangju.

Blinking back the tears, hoseok quickly made back to his room when he heard Yoongi coming out of his room.
Hoseok brushed his teeth and got ready for school, opening his door, he looked around a couple of times before coming coming out after he made sure that Yoongi was nowhere to be seen.

He missed too many school days just because of him and he didn't want to miss again since he had an important test today.

"Where do you think you are going?" Yoongi's deep raspy voice sounded behind him as soon as he grabbed the handle of the front door.

Hoseok froze and his heart dropped, tightening his grasp around the handle, hoseok looked back, sweat already dripping down his face.

"S-school..." he responded, his voice weak and shaky as he lowered his head. The effect of being omega.

Yoongi darkly chuckled and yanked hoseok back by grabbing his hair, "You are not going anywhere whore, cook breakfast for me." He hissed, throwing hoseok to the floor.

Hoseok whimpered in pain and quickly got up, he knew if he stay longer Yoongi will kick him for being too slow, it happened countless times before.

"O-Okay..." he bowed and limbed towards the kitchen to cook for the alpha.

"Weak ass omega." Yoongi scoffed in annoyance and returned to his room to get ready for the day.

I'm still crying over "tonight" by Jin, have you guys listened to it yet? 😭😭

I'm still crying over "tonight" by Jin, have you guys listened to it yet? 😭😭

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THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now