Bad boy...

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"Since you haven't found a place to live in yet, how about you maybe move in with me? I hate being alone."

Yoongi abruptly stopped running his fingers through hoseok's hair, looking down at him with shock written on his face, "Hoseok I don't think we reached that stage yet.." he responded, not liking where this was going.

Believe him, he would absolutely more than LOVE to move in with his hoseok, but he has his limits. Maybe the omega is just a little bit attached to him after their eventful night and would probably get tired of him within days or weeks. The last thing he wanted to do is disappoint his pretty mate yet again so he wanted to be cautious as much as he can.

Hoseok frowned, picking his head off of the alpha's shoulder and looked at him with somewhat sad eyes, "Why not? I'm I that boring to you? Or you just don't like being around me-"


Hoseok stopped in mid sentence, shivering as the alpha called his name in THAT tone that makes his body feel weak, "Y-yeah?" He responded, slightly scooting away from him.

Yoongi sighed, seeing how he reacted to his voice and pulled him up on his lap, "It's neither of those reasons hoseok, I love being around you and you are not boring at all. It's just that You don't really mean it when you said that, you may think you know what you are saying but ... moving in together is a really big step in a relationship. I don't want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable." He said, his voice now gentle, softly caressing the omega's cheek with his hand.

Hoseok relaxed a bit hearing that and took a deep breath before speaking, gathering his words carefully, "I understand that but I think if we move in together, we can learn and get used to each other a lot faster. When I say this I really mean it and would love it if you take it in consideration Yoongi, I promise I won't feel pressured or anything."

"Have you ever lived alone before?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok shook his head no, wondering why that question has anything to do with this.

"That's another reason why you really want me to move in. You are just afraid of living alone for the first time, you would have probably even let anyone else live with you if I weren't here at the moment. I don't want you to regret anything later so let's just take it slow alright?" Yoongi tried explaining it as best as he can.

Tears threatened to fall out of hoseok's eyes as he pushed the alpha away, running to his room, "J-just admit that you hate me and don't wanna live with me! Don't make stupid excuses!" He cried, slamming his door shut and throws himself on his bed, choked sobs leaving his throat.

"Hoseok! Open the door!" Yoongi banged on the younger's door frustratedly, he hadn't imagined that to end up like this, "I promise it's not what you think! Please open the door and let me explain or I will break it." He had no other choice but to threaten him. Smiling in satisfaction as he sees the knob twist and the door open, revealing an already red eyed hoseok.

"D-Don't you dare break MY door, you would have the opportunity to break it if you moved in with me because it would have been your door too then." Hoseok says, sniffling and hiccuping as he tried to closed the door again but the alpha was quicker than him and slipped inside, picking him up and threw him on the bed, making him squeal loudly at the unexpected move.

"You know hoseok, you are being a bad boy right now, like a really bad boy." His voice was low, almost two octave lower as he hovered over his smaller frame, making him shudder and gulp nervously.

"Y-Yoongi-" he tried sliding off the bed but the alpha's voice stopped him.

"Do you want me to move in with you?" Yoongi asked, putting his hands on the either side of the omega's head, trapping him.

Hoseok shakily nodded, too afraid to speak. This Yoongi was different, his expression too sharp and his eyes darker than the night sky.

"Than you gotta act like a good boy and not slam the door like that." He purred against his ear, nippling on the his earlobe.

Hoseok nodded yet again, feeling his cock grow in size and accidentally lets out a needy whimper, catching the alpha off guard.

Yoongi leaned back up, observing the omega's embarrassed face and smiled, sitting up against the headboard and pulled him to his lap.

"Tell me about yourself and family then since we will be housemates from now on." He Calmly asked, even though he was trying within every cell and fiber in him to not jump on the omega and just devour him like the meal he was.

'Fuck you min Yoongi, how dare you make me feel all hot and bothered and just act like nothing happened! You fucking moro-"



"Did you hear what I just said?" Yoongi asked, a teasing smile spreading on his lips.

Hoseok blushes in embarrassment yet again and shakes his head, he was too busy cursing the alpha in his head that he didn't hear anything he said at all.

Yoongi chuckled and wraps his arms around the omega's waist, resting his head on his shoulder, "I said, Tell me about yourself and family then since we will be housemates from now on." He repeated his exact same words, watching as hoseok's eyes widened and brightened up with happiness, making him smile.

"Really?!" Hoseok shouts in excitement, unknowingly bouncing his ass right on top of the alpha's cock.

Yoongi groans, tightening his grip on the younger's waist to hold him in place, "Y-yes seokie..."


Hmm thoughts?
(A/n: this chapter would have gone on a very different path, but I was happy so I decided to change it lmao. Anyway i hope you enjoyed.)

Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter 💕💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now