I decided...

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"Snap out of it hoseok, a customer is waiting for you." Len said, knocking on the table to get the omega's attention.

Hoseok shook his head and stood up, rubbing his neck awkwardly as he bowed to the manager, "Sorry, I'll get it." He said and walked to the front desk to get the customer's order which was non other then, "Yoongi?" He asked, surprised. It's been a week since their last encounter and hoseok hasn't really made any effort to call him because he was waiting for the alpha to call first.

"Hey hoseok, you seem surprised to see me." Yoongi said, putting his arms on the counter and leaned forward a bit, his face free from any source of emotions.

Hoseok bit his lip as he stared at the alpha's devilishly handsome face for a bit, his eyes lingering on his hair, "You changed your hair color." He breathed out, not knowing anything else to say.

"Hm... I did, do you like it?"

Hoseok unconsciously reached out his arm, his fingers coming in contact with the older's now mint hair and removed the strands that were covering his eyes, "I like it..." he whispered softly, "It suits you more." He added and took his arm back, a slight blush covering his cheeks, Why did he just do that? He asked himself, his heart picking up its pace.

Yoongi smiled, liking this side of hoseok and spoke, "Thank you hoseok, I'm glad you like it because I changed it for you." He said, chuckling as the younger blushes deeper, making his heart melt at the adorable sight.

"A glass of wine, hurry up! I don't have time!" A creepy looking guy in his late thirties to early forties yelled, aggressively hitting the counter as he slammed his glass down, almost breaking it.

Hoseok snapped his head towards him and took the glass, cursing in his head as he made his way to the various bottles of different alcohols on the shelf, quickly putting a wine in the glass and returned to the front, "Here." He slipped the glass towards the guy and watched as he slammed the money on the table and left in a hurry, what the hell?


"Y-yeah?" He stuttered, his eyes moving back to the alpha's dark ones, "What can I get for you?" He asked.

"I didn't come here for a drink tonight," Yoongi paused, putting his hand over the omega's, "I came for you. Have you decided yet?"

A shiver ran down hoseok's spine as the alpha's cold, rough hand that somehow felt so comforting made contact with his, his dark unmoving eyes intensely staring at him. he opened his mouth to reply but nothing came out, his throat felt too dry and he could feel small tears prickling at the side of his eyes.

Yoongi quickly removed his hand in panic; immediately missing his warmth, "What's wrong hoseok?" He asked, concerned laced with his voice as he stood up.

"H-huh?" Hoseok snapped out of whatever weird emotions he was feeling and shook his head, "N-Nothing," He muttered, wiping his eyes and took a deep breath, "Nothing is wrong." He repeated a bit louder.

Yoongi sighed in relief and sat back down, "It's okay if you still haven't decided yet.." he said, another wave of nervousness hitting him as he waited for hoseok to continue, he doesn't know how he would handle himself if the omega rejects him.

Hoseok smiled, observing the alpha in front of him, who looked anxious and nervous, "I decided to try to get to know each other and see what happens from there." He said, putting his hands over the older's.

A big gummy smile took over yoongi's face, his eyes lighting up like a child at an ice cream store and squeezed hoseok's hands, "Thank you hoseok, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

Hoseok's own heart shaped smile took over his features as he nodded, of course he knew how happy he just made the alpha, he has never seen him smile so big or even smile, it melted his heart in pure adoration and he wanted nothing more than to see that gummy smile again.

Glancing up at the clock above them, hoseok took his hands back, "It's the end of my shift," he said, taking off his work apron and made his way around the counter, "Wanna walk me home?"

Yoongi happily nodded and stood up, "Of course, let's go."

They took a deep breath as they walked outside, taking in the fresh air after being in a crumped full of alcohol place in a while felt amazing. And just slowly walking in the dark streets in a comfortable silence, none of them saying a word and enjoying each other's presence.


Hoseok's heart thumped against his chest as the alpha called his name in that tone that makes his knees feel weak and his stomach do flips, "Y-Yeah?" He responded.

"Do you mind if I take you out on a date tomorrow? We can go on another time if it's too soon for you." Yoongi said, stopping at in front of the younger's house and faced him.

"No, it's totally fine, what time?" Hoseok asked, fiddling with his fingers. He doesn't think it's too soon, he wants to get to know Yoongi as fast as possible if he's being honest.

Hoseok squealed, showing his surprise as the the alpha hugged him unexpectedly, "Thank you hoseok, I'll pick you up at ten in the morning." He said and planted a deep, sweet kiss onto his forehead, making hoseok blush furiously.


"Good night." With that, Yoongi released the hug and walked away, waving goodbye to the omega and disappeared into the dark as he got further away.

Hoseok put his hand over his thumping heart and unlocked his house, quietly making his way to his bedroom and threw himself on the bed, biting his lip as he recalled what just happened, touching his forehead,  "Why is my heart acting up like this?" He murmured, unaware of the big smile that stretched his lips almost painfully.

Thoughts? And Forgive me, my fluff-writing skills are painfully low.🙃

Thank you for reading and love you 😘 ❤️💜

Thank you for reading and love you 😘 ❤️💜

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See you on the next chapter 💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now