He's back...

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Hoseok sighed and swiftly opened the door, "Who- y-Yoongi.."

"Hey there hoseok."

"Yoongi!" Hoseok tackled the alpha into a hug before he could think, wrapping his arms around him and pulled him towards his body, "Where the heck have you been?"

Yoongi chuckled softly, returning the hug, "There's something I need to discuss with you which is also the thing I was doing these past couple days."

Hoseok quickly pulls away, his eyebrows furrowed as he observed his mate's face, "What is it? Tell me."

"Shall we sit down first?" Yoongi suggested,

Hoseok nodded and led him inside, mentioning for him to sit on the couch before making his way to the kitchen, "Tea or coffee?" He asked.

"Tea please." Yoongi responded, looking around the omega's house, it was so cozy, fluffy and just felt really warm and home-like. He liked it a lot.


"Thank you hoseok."

"Hmm So what were you doing?" Hoseok asked, sitting on the couch across from the alpha.

Yoongi took a sip out his tea and put it on the coffee table, taking a deep breath before speaking, "You didn't see me or could contact me these past days because I was avoiding you-"

"Why were you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Hoseok cuts him off, his heart hurting for some reason after hearing that the alpha was avoiding him.

"No no hoseok, it's not that, just let me finish first alright?" Yoongi quickly says, not wanting the omega to misunderstand him.

Hoseok slowly nods his head, letting him continue as he leaned forward, attentively waiting for what his reasoning will be.

"I was avoiding you so those guys from the other night wouldn't know where you live and also I quit being in a mafia, I realized that those friends can still be friends with me even if I'm not their boss. I sold my mansion, and all of my business, cutting ties with everyone I worked with and donated the money to schools and children support places so I was also quite busy and couldn't contact anybody because I changed my phone." Yoongi finished and hoseok was astonished like wow, Yoongi just did that.

He slowly got up, sitting down next to the alpha, "S-so do you have a place to stay now?" He asked, still not believing that the alpha would do something like that, but he's also quite happy with what he did.

Yoongi shook his head, "I was looking for it now and was planning to see you after I find one but my heart couldn't stay away from you for that long so I came here." He said, chuckling as the omega adorably blushes, melting his heat. "You know you are so freaking adorable hoseok, I'm so lucky to have you." He blurted out.

"S-shut up Yoongi, I'm not that adorable." Hoseok defends, unknowingly pouting as he glares at the older.

"Now you just look like an angry bunny, so cute aww." Yoongi coos, pinching the omega's cheeks.

Hooked grumbled, pushing the older away and busted out laughing as he starts tickling him, "Say you are adorable and I'll leave you!" Yoongi threatened, laughing alongside with him.

Hoseok squirms around, falling off the couch as the alpha continues on tickling him, "O-Okay! I-I'm adorable!" He screamed, his sides hurting from laughing too hard, he hates tickles the most.

Yoongi smiled in satisfaction and pulled him up back to the couch, "Good-" he stopped himself, sniffing as a very sweet delicious smell inters his nostrils, "Y-you are on your heat."

Hoseok widened his eyes, feeling his underwear get wet and starts rubbing his thighs together. He forgot to take his supplements because he was too busy worrying about the alpha.

"Y-Yoongi.." he whimpered, getting closer to his alpha and buries his face into his neck, taking in his scent.

The mood went from laughing and playful to sexual in a heartbeat.

Yoongi bites his lip, standing up and scooped the omega in his arms, walking to what he assumed was his room and put him on the soft bed, Kissing his forehead lightly, "Are you sure baby?" He asked.

Hoseok just whimpered, wrapping his arms around the alpha's shoulders and pulls him down to his neck, wanting him to to bite him already, "Yoonie p-please... hurts.." he whined, puckering his hips up to meet with alpha's.

"Okay then baby.. let me take care of you."


Sorry for the short chapter but please vote here

Yoongi should mate him already


It's too soon for them, they need to learn about each other more

Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter lovelies 🥺💜☺️

Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter lovelies 🥺💜☺️

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THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now