Tell me...

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"Good night tae." Hoseok yawns, standing up from the couch as he stretched his arms upwards, his body aching from sitting on the couch all day, "Don't sleep too late." he mumbled, another yawn followed by.

"I won't hyung, good night." Taehyung replied and continued on with playing his online game.

Hoseok nodded and made his way to his bedroom, locking the door and threw himself on the bed, groaning as his head hits the headboard. "Fuck You headboard!" He cursed, childishly glaring at the headboard as he rubbed his forehead, his eyes dropping due to sleepiness.

Sighing, he gets up and sleepily walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up before he falls asleep. Entering the bathroom, he stared at his reflection on the mirror, bringing his hand up to touch his lips as the memory from last night flashed through his head, "What is wrong with me?" He mumbled quietly, a small smile grazing on his lips ever so lightly. He couldn't get the feeling of his alpha's lips on his out of his mind, he tried distracting himself by playing video games, talking about random things with taehyung, going to the park- Nothing worked, that feeling is engraved into his memory even though he barely remembers it, there was just something about it that felt so comforting, so warm, so home. Hoseok kissed other people before but never had he felt so good. Maybe it was because it was from his mate but he couldn't stop himself from craving for it. Wanting to feel those thin lips on his again. He is also well aware of the things that he had to go through in the past because of the same alpha.

He sighed, quickly washing up and brushed his teeth, making his way back to his warm bed and slipped under the covers, snuggling with his mang plushie and closed his eyes.

Ring ring ring

His annoying ass ringtone decided to pierce his ears just before he went to dreamland, making him jolt awake and answer it immediately to get rid of the noise, trail of curses spilling out of his mouth, "Who the fuck are you?!" He yelled angrily, the one thing hoseok hates the most on his hate list is when someone disturbs his sleep.


That's enough to make hoseok know who it is. That raspy mysterious voice that he could recognize anywhere.

"How did you get my number?" He asked, hugging his plushie tighter as he sat up.

"It's not hard to find people's numbers these days hoseok," The alpha replied, a soft chuckle following after.

Hoseok removed the phone from his ear, taking a deep breath and put it back, that chuckle just did numbers in him, "Why did you call me this late at night?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible.

"Don't you want to know why you were acting like a 'mental monkey' as you stated?"

Hoseok pinched his skin as he bit his lower lip, he could hear the smirk in the alpha's voice and he wanted nothing more than to go through the phone and wipe it off.

"Are you making fun of me Mr. Min?"

"No hoseok, I was simply restating what you said. I apologize if i came off as that."

Hoseok slightly tilted his head, his eyebrows scrunched together. He was totally not expecting an apology from the alpha and the reason he actually asked him that question was to simply get rid of the awkwardness.

"You are forgiven. Now tell me the reason."

There was shuffling and fast footsteps, loud incoherent voices and cars speeding off before Yoongi spoke, breathless, "Let's meet up tomorrow morning, I can't tell you that over the phone hoseok."

"Why not? Is something going on? What's with all the noises? Where are you?" Hoseok asked as he sat probably, biting his nails worriedly, he convinced himself he was only worried because they were mates. There's no way he would be worried about Yoongi.

More car engines and police sirens came through hoseok's speaker before Yoongi spoke again, "Don't worry hoseok, I'm fine. And the reason I cannot tell you that over the phone is because i want to tell it you face to face. Let's meet up tomorrow. I'll send you the address. Good night hoseok and sweet dreams."

"Hello!? Yah! Yoongi!" Hoseok screamed, throwing his phone on the bed and forcefully laid back down, "How dare he just hang up on me like that?!" He turned to his side, draping the blanket over his head.

"That fucking stuck up crazy alpha..." he mumbled, but couldn't help but worry about the alpha for the rest of the night.

Thoughts? Please let me know your thoughts. 😘💕

Thank you for reading 😃💜

THE REJECTED WOLF, YOONSEOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now