Chapter 12: Eavesdropping

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Chapter 12:  Eavesdropping 

         The small team of Robin, Miss Martian, Super Boy, and Batgirl roamed the huge building while trying to maintain a well hidden status. "How about we split up and then tell each other the location once we find it," Batgirl suggested. 

          "Sure, that's probably best," Miss martian agreed. "I'll go with Robin, super boy immediately volunteered and before anyone could comment he was down the second hallway with Robin following.

          " What was that about?" Robin speed up so that he could walk beside Super Boy. He grunted, "Nothing. What else do you know about that girl, Cure?" Robin turned his face acting like he was looking at the door numbers in the hallway. "Uh, well. I sort of told you guys everything already. She's very strong, has great agility and speed."

          "Okay then..."

         They searched in silence after that. They came to a stairwell and quietly went down. After the stairs finished there was a room and a voice projecting from within. "I think the meeting is in here." Robin said through Miss Martian's psychic link to all there thoughts.

          Batgirl's voice came into all there heads, "Great! Where are you guys?" Robin looked around. "This is the basement, there's only one door really... I don't think we should go through there." Superboy's serious voice began, "Where should be enter then?"

           Robin tiptoed to the end of the hall near the door and scoped the scene. He spotted a vent near by however it was only big enough for one person. "Which of us should it be?" Superboy folded his arms an looked at the vent. "It's probably best if you go. Just make sure to tell us EVERTHING."

         Robin nodded and squeezed himself through the opening of the vent and crawled through. Not long after he began following the voices he heard. Everything about the voice he heard spelled Cure. The tone, the sound, even the attitude. Her voice lead him to a room full of villains. She was at the head of the room presenting. "Oh My GOD..." he whispered. "I found it guys. Cure is presenting Cancer's weapon right now. It looks like the weapon is made of the the sword she stole last week," he thought hoping the rest of the team was still linked.

          " Great, keep listening to what they're saying. After Cure is done come out," Batgirl replied. Robin listened closely to her present. Catching and analyzing ever word. Not only for the mission, but for himself. Someone that was able to become great friends with the normal him, Tim Drake, was also someone that was as villainous as this. To help create, or respect someone with such sinister intentions is unbelievable.

          After cure was done he followed directions and came out of the vent. " Great work Robin," Batgirl smiled giving him a thumbs up. "It was easy, no problem," he wiped the dust off his costume, "Did D-Uh... Nightwing want us to get all the intel? Or just that?"

          "Nightwing said he wanted us to find out there next move and what they're using the sword for," Batgirl repeated. Miss Martian smiled excitingly, "well, we've got half of it. I'll go in and find out the rest." She swiftly went through the vents and eavesdropped on they're plans.

          Robin and the rest of the team stayed back listening to all the details Miss Martian voiced to them. 

          "Quick you guys, everyone is getting up about to leave. Hide before they see you!"

          They all looked around but obviously the vent was the only reasonable hiding spot within reach. They crouched inside one by one as fast as they could and Robin closed the vent after they were all in. He watched in a distance as all the villains rushed out of the meeting room some happy, some muffed, other completely unimpressed. Then there was the extremely happy pair. One of corse had to be the one and only Cure an the other was Icicle Mister's son, Icicle Jr. "I spot a Super villain dream team in the making," Batgirl sarcastically thought. After the room and hallway was clear. Robin wanted to say something about how cliché their tactics were this mission but he kept that to himself.

          They climbed out of the vents in in a chain figure and rushed down the hallway. The only ways up were the elevator and the stairs. Obviously, the elevator was a lot easier to get caught on so they went towards the stairs. First listening for any other footsteps. They went up two floors and looked into the hallway to see where they were.

           "You're not suppose to be here!" one of the minor villains shouted after spotting them, coming  up the stairs. "Crap," Superboy gritted his teeth as he was forced to dodge the heavily built man's fist. Two of Lex Luthor's goons raced into the stairwell and grabbed Robin and Batgirl as one other person ran in to take on Superboy and Miss Martian.

          Robin and Batgirl each took on their goons and was able to escape from them with ease. However, they were separated from each other. What little communication they still had using Miss Martian's psychics she told everyone to meet her at the ship.

          The halls were going crazy, filled to the brim with havoc. It was so crazy that Robin was able to slip past everyone. The next hallway was much more quiet and calm. He looked at each of the doors and then there was one open. He did a quick check to see if the psychic link was still on, it wasn't.

          He took a quick peek inside the door and saw no other than Cure in the flesh rustling through her things. 

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