Chapter 48:

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Chapter 48

          "Can we talk?" Tim whispered into my ear while I was taking a break from video games. "Yeah," I followed him into the next empty room.

         "Al, it has been over a week since we last talked. And I mean, actually had a conversation or hung out," Tim closed the door, we both took off our glasses.

         "I needed a break," I folded my arms and tried not to look him in the eyes.

         "I told you I was sorry, what more do you want me to do?"

         "I just said I needed a break from," I sighed.

         "From what?" Tim grabbed my hands.

       "From you," I pushed his hands away.

         "Me? I didn't mean it when I said you'd hold us back. It's not that much of a deal to you, is it?" He defensively placed his hand across his chest.

         I don't even think that's what I was mad about. I was over that probably that day after he said it. "No, it isn't," my voice faded, "I just needed to be away, from you."

         He grabbed my shoulders after giving me the straightest glare you've ever seen, "Why didn't you say that then? I thought you were furious and never wanted to see me again. You can't just, decide that your going to ignore me! Even if you don't want to see me, you can just say that and I'll give you some space." 

        My heart sank into my chest. He still continued, "Maybe it wasn't like that with Cancer but I want to know what you're thinking. I can't read your mind."

          He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly.

          "I've missed you," hot tears ran down my face. I hugged him tightly and close. "I'm positive that I missed you more," he kissed my forehead. "You wanna go do something later?"

          I nodded my head and wiped my cheeks with the back of my soaked hands.  "Okay, meet me at the seaport in Manhattan at five. Wear something nice," He smiled.  We parted ways but only for a few hours.

    It seems like that place ended up being my favorite place to go. To think, to observe, to just enjoy myself. It was such a calm atmosphere. Not even to mention this was were me and Tim met the first time.

           I stared into the distance. "Enjoying the view," Tim's arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind. "It just got better," I turned around to see his handsome face before mine. His blue eyes shone above the fog.

          I just stared at him longingly for a few moments. He had this different outlook, this different vibe. It was good though, I liked it. I smiled childishly.

          "Um... Do you want to go now?" He scratched the back of his head.

          I snapped back to reality, "Yeah! Totally." He lead me into a all black car driven by the one, the only, Alfred!

           "Good afternoon Alfred," I sat down trying to make the least amount of noise humanly possible. Alfred replied, "Afternoon Alexandra."

          I tried not to make the noise I make when someone says my full name.

          The car started moving and I felt Tim's hand on mine. "Where are we going?" I held his hand, it was warm and soothing. "It's a surprise," he winked. My heart sped up, he had never winked at me...           "You're red," he snickered.

           "You're the one that's red, bird brain," I took my hand back and slipped closer to the window.           I stared out the window but occasionally glanced back to see him smiling idiotically. Why did he have to be so cute? Why am I acting like I still have this "crush" on him? We're in a relationship, so I shouldn't be trying to be this far from him.

            The car stopped abruptly. "We're here," Alfred shifted the gear to park. "Wait right here," he whispered and jumped out of the car. I heard the trunk slam shut. I tried to see past the tinted windows. It was really grassy.

          "Psttt, Alfred.... What is he up to?" I looked around but Tim wasn't in sight. Alfred didn't say anything at first.

      ***Tim's POV***

    My leg trembled being in the car with her. It's been a long time, it seems longer than it really is. We're right next to each other, it feels like we're in two different cities. 

"Where are we going?" A smiled curved across her face and i felt her hand clench mine. Her hand was cold like the outside.

  "It's a surprise," I winked flirtatiously and immediately turned my head.

I'm not Dick, why'd i even try to be "cute". 

I glanced at her, she was pink like bubblegum.

"You're red," I laughed.

  She removed her hand, "You're the one that's red, bird brain!" She moved closer to the window.

  Maybe i shouldn't have said that...

  I couldn't help but smile at her.

She's going to love this.

But...  I wish she didn't put up these walls in front of the people she cares for. She doesn't want to get too close, but I want to get closer to her. Still. 

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