Chapter 11: Presenting

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Chapter 11:Presenting 

          I woke up early to review the contents of Mentor's folder. Inside was blueprints and diagrams and some other stuff. In one picture it showed the sword I had stolen for him. There was a gem on the handle that i hadn't noticed. Apparently, that held all of the power (shocker!). The gem was suppose to give anyone the ultimate fire power. Legend describes it as the force of a hundred dragons. He attached this to the ray gun so that it harnessed the power and blasted it in five different modes at three different levels. 

          The rest of the sword he melted down to create the base of the actual ray gun. Impressive? You could say that. It's kinda what he does. 

          I had to present this thing. To all the people at this meeting. Talk about a lot of work for a Saturday morning. Especially for a lazy little teen like me. 

          There was a knock on the door. "It's me. You ready yet?"  Junior's voice asked through the door. I bolted up and opened the door. He was already dressed. "No one told me what time to be there" I stared at him. He laughed at my starry knight pajama pants… i could tell by the pointing. "Catherine went around waking everyone up like, thirty minutes ago."

If i remember anything from the tiny introduction yesterday, Catherine was the really annoying girl from the bus. "Figures," I grunted. Junior looked at his watch, "You've got about five minutes." Out of reflex, cause I'm just that cool, i swore and slammed the door. Thankfully, all i had to was change my clothes and comb the rats out of my hair. 

We rushed down the hall and down two flights of stairs. Why didn't we take the elevator? I'm still wondering that as well. I kept mentor's folder under my arm the entire time. We burst through the doors breathing extremely heavily. "So nice of you two to join us. Please take your seats,' Lex pointed to the two seats near him. I heard Catherine mumble, "Leave it to the two of those love birds to be late together."

Allowing Junior to walk in front of me i made sure to stick my tongue out at her. We took our seats and the meeting began immediately. I was forced to sit through all of the things they had to say and ideas they were pitching. Most were useless and obviously not well thought out. With the exception of a few. 

As the meeting was near end Lex cleared his voice and asked everyone to settle down. "Now, I am very excited to ask the apprentice of Cancer, currently known as Cure, to present her Mentor's new super weapon." I'm not exactly exactly known by everyone in the "Evil Villain Community" so i wasn't surprised when barely anyone clapped. I walked up to the projector with pride anyway. 

I placed the the drawing of Mentor's new weapon from his folder onto the projector and made my way to the front of the screen. "As you know my mentor, Cancer, has been working on a weapon made from Keahi's sword." I pointed to the screen. "Obviously, this is it. Legend says, and actions prove, that Keahi's sword is able to give you the flames of a hundred dragons." Last minute cramming can do wonders for a big presentation. Never underestimate it. 

Keahi means Flame. 

" My mentor has created a weapon that is able to harness the power given by the sword and send it out as he pleases." I went to the back and put on the page that says all the modes and has blueprints and stuff. They shouldn't have been expecting some over the top presentation, how old do i look? " Are they in order? I can put them on for you, if you want." One of the villains the i'm never going to be able to remember the name of offered. I smiled as politely as possible and whispered, "That'd be great. thanks" 

I ran up to the front again. "Okay, these are the three modes. He hasn't exactly finalized them or given them a name but i'll improvise. I gave them a few more seconds to read and look at the pretty pictures before nodding to the kid in the back for him to put on the next slide thingy. This was a picture of how the first mode will potentially look like. "I call this one shot gun. Easily aiming at one person and firing a deadly fireball that can melt skin like ice-cream on a summer day. Charming, isn't it?" I gave them time to chuckle and study the picture before signaling for the next slide.

"The second mode, my personal favorite, i like to call it mass murder. This is a lot more unstable in the way that you have less control. The fire comes out rapidly for as long as you have your finger on the trigger. So make sure if you even are given the grace of using this not to shoot your friends." I signaled for the next slide. "And lastly, my mentor's favorite, apocalyptic mode. This simply destroys everything in it's past." No need to hold back.

The next slide showed the 4 different levels you can choose once you've chosen one of the three modes. The four levels are just to give you small extra boost without creating too big of a jump or if you do not want to destroy everything in your path. One everything was explained and i was about to sit down the only person that dared ask a question was Catherine. "And, how will this be useful to us? Do you have any plans to go along with this weapon?" I grunted, what i wanted to say was, "I dunno, did your parents have any plans to go along with you cause your pretty much useless," but instead i said, "Even if my Mentor had shared that kind of information with me i don't think he'd want me to simply give that information away to just anyone. Even so, i was asked to present the weapon, not a plan for world domination." That ought to shut her up. So i picked up all of Mentor's things and walked back to me seat with attitude… And of corse i had to sit throughout some other things till the meeting was over. 

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