Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 

            Every day is the same crap. Go to school, come back to Mount Justice, do homework, eat, go to sleep. On weekends, it's training training, training. Maybe it was my missions every week mentality that made me yearn for action.

                Finally,  weeks after I began training with them we got a small mission. The terror twins were up to mischief. Nightwing sent me, Beast Boy, and Batgirl. He probably sent Beast Boy on purpose, just so we could start bonding. Tim wanted us to get along too, they are close.

             While on our way, BB was silent and Batgirl whispered information from time to time. Not like I didn't know it. These kids were hilarious when they want to be but completely annoying. Their little schemes were hardly thought out.

             The mischievous twins rummaged through a store. We listened to their conversation.

          "I can't believe that cancer has us running around after him. It's not our fault his little girl left his sorry ***?" Tuppence kicked a box.

             "Hey, he's paying us , be happy. Plus you should be happy she's gone. You hear the way everyone talks about her."

             " Are you sure? There's a rumor going around that she joined the good guys. Imagine how much trouble she'll cause."

             That was the last straw. I gritted my teeth, jumped out and happily smirked. "Nice to see you two are still talking behind my back."

             "Nice to see you too champ. So what, you really are with those dweebs," Tommy's eyes narrowed and he smoothed his practically white, hair.

              "So what if I am? I could bring you down before and I'll bring to down now."

              In the corner of my eye I watched as Batgirl and BeastBoy snuck behind them. I tried not to grin but let's face it, the annoyance twins,  batsy girl and BeastBoy in one frame made me chuckle.             "How could you betray Cancer, don't even get me started about Icicle Junior and that Martin kid," Tuppence rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her plaid skirt.

              "If I worried about them I wouldn't be doing the right thing. You should try it some time, it's great," I smirked accordingly.

               Batgirl snapped a collar on Tommy. Tuppence leaped forward instantly to punch me but that heavy hand of hers has always been easy to dodge. I grabbed her leg and sent her crashing towards the ground. Batgirl tossed me the collar and I placed it around her neck.

             "How's that for ya Terror Twits!" I stuck my tongue out at them as Batgirl handcuffed them. I noticed Beast Boy's half smile in the corner of my eye. I'd call that a good sign. 

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