Chapter 34: Runaway

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Chapter 34: Runaway

          Three weeks in a room, no computer, no phone, no television, and no weapons. It's finally over. The moment I realized my room was sort of back to normal I began jumping on the bed. My phone, on my night stand, my computer on the desk, my weapons and uniform in the closet, and all that other stuff. 

           I didn't see Mentor until around noon. While he was gone I removed any way he'd be able to track me from my computer, phone, uniform , and motorcycle, my Cure one, naturally. You never know where this guy might put a tracker. 

          When he finally got home from who-knows-where, I was watching television. "Hello Alexandra," he said without any sign of emotion. "Hi." I replied coldly. "What, you don't have anywhere to be. Can't even face me after locking me up like a rat for a month?" Cancer, surely looked like a serial killer to others. What with his black hair, broad chin, pale skin and annoyingly cool hood. Though to me, he was suppose to be a savior, someone I owed my life to, not anymore.

            "Tomorrow I need you to do something for me," he responded like a brick wall. I grunted, "That's all you have to say? I help you all the time with your freaking evil schemes and when I actually find someone that makes me happy and you lock me up!" He was silent.

          I continued, "Every single time I have something that makes me happy it gets ripped away from me! I'm starting to feel like you only took me in to be your servant!"

          He turned towards me, I caught a glimpse of his red eyes. "I took you in because you are capable. I'm not in the mood to deal with any angst fueled teenage rant."

          He went into the kitchen and I angrily stomped into my room. With the door locked, I threw whatever I could into a medium sized suitcase and a duffle bag. Martin didn't come by that day.

          At around four in the morning the next day, I took a few thousand dollars from his office and credit card and was on my way with a fraction of my things. The credit card, only to be used in places that were necessary. I drove and drove until I reached the cheap hotel. I'm talking about a hundred per night.

             The moment I got in I jumped into the bed and knocked out for two hours. When I awoken, I sat up and called Tim.

           The phone rung and rung and just when I thought it'd going to go to voicemail- "Alex?"

           I jumped in place, "yeah, hey Tim." My cheeks turned red just speaking with him. "Hey, I'm at an inn."

          "What? Why? You left....?" His voice turned into a slight whisper. I coughed, "ye-yeah." 

           His voice perked up, "Your kidding? Where are you?" A tear trailed down my eyes as I told him the address. "I'll be there in a bit." 

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