Chapter 39: Boy of Steel

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Chapter 39: Boy of Steel

  After school, I did my homework in my room quietly. I did not want to disturb anyone. Especially Beast boy in the next room. He probably hated me the most. Who knew what he was doing? Probably homework or something like that as well.  

It wasn't until around seven pm that my stomach stopped growling and began barking at me for food. I was forced to leave my room and go to the kitchen. I quietly opened the fridge and looked around. What was even allowed to take?  

As I gawked at the fridge Super Boy or Conner walked into the room. He stared at me with narrowed eyes that seemed to be studying my every move since I got there. "Uh, Hi, SuperBoy," I closed the fridge and looked back at him. "Hello, Cure. What are you doing?" His tone was sharp, it pierced my ears like a dagger.   Simultaneously, my spine straightened, "Um... I was looking for something to eat.... Sir."

  Oh! The formality!

"You don't need to call me sir," he sat on a stool next to the island. "You're a skilled fighter," he looked at me, practically emotionless. "Everyone knows it, but no one could've imagined you'd end up being our team mate. It's kind of a shock." I awkwardly stood there listening.

It was uncomfortable even when someone was attempting to comfort me.  

"Thanks..." Is all I could say. Knowing what to say, maybe he was related to Luther. "You're way strong too. A few weeks ago, I was actually scared cause I knew I couldn't beat you," my attempt to complement him was terrible. It wasn't the fact that he was serious, it was the atmosphere.   "So..." I reopened the fridge, "How do things work in this kitchen? What can I eat and what can't I?" He explained what was and what wasn't. It was really simple and he was actually really nice and welcoming.

Hesitant, but welcoming.

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