Chapter 9: Old friends and stupid people

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Chapter 9

As i walked out to the car parked up awaiting me Mentor slipped me a folder. What was inside didn't matter right now. Inside the car were all people, or should i say oder teens and young adults that i knew. Icicle Jr. waved to me from the back. It had been years since I last saw him. He looked… the same. It's not like thats a problem, i didn't want him to change. The driver put my bag in the trunk and i took my seat next to Icicle Jr. 

"Hey, long time no see," he laughed giving me a fist bump. "Yeah" I put on my seatbelt. "Wow, you've changed. Still not gonna let me see under the mask though, right?" he pointed to my mask that covered about the entire upper half of my face. He was joking, sort of. I gently pushed his hand away, "No way." The girl in front of us grunted, "Well, it looks like you too are the best of friends. When's the wedding?" She seriously shouldn't be one to talk. Her makeup made her look like the female version of the Joker. Thats right, I  went there. 

"Don't listen to her," Jr rolled his eyes. Seems like she wasn't exactly a favorite. Before I could say something smart to her I was interrupted by the entire car darkening. A screen came down. "Greetings young villains and welcome to the beginning of our meeting. As the car drives you to the official meeting point, this will take three hours. When you get there you will be assigned a room. There you will sleep and freshen up tonight and tomorrow. Sunday morning you will bring all of your things to thing car and leave. For all of tomorrow, we will be discussing future plans and sharing new technology. I am especially excited to learn what Sir Cancer has managed to come up with." 

Jr. nudged me and even though I couldn't exactly see him, he was probably making him eyebrows move up and down. Mr. Luthor sure knew how to plan a meeting. Let's not forget keep allies on his side. Not like this wasn't expected from the famous Lex Luthor. 

He continued about how we'd leave our keys in the room on sunday and how if any information leaks out we're screwed and all this other random junk I didn't bother listening to. In fact, before he had even finished, i was fast asleep against the window. 

"Hey, wake up!" Jr. shook me till i was somewhat conscious. It was dark outside and of corse we were the last to get out of the car. "Looks like we have a little baby to look after" the same loser girl from before mumbled to another boy. I grabbed my bag and came right up to her, "If you've got something to say, say it to my face. Cause if i have something to say, I'll be sure to." 

There was a pat on my shoulder and what was suppose to be a reassuring voice. Only this voice only reassured my fist into clenching. "Now, now, play nice. You wouldn't want Mr. Cancer to know you're already causing trouble." Lex Luthor, a man that knows exactly what to say to get what he wants. In this case, he wasn't actually threatening to tell mentor cause everyone knows, mentor could care less. He was telling his half pint loser to back off. Trust me, he's not the only one that'd recommend that for her own good. "That's Cancer's kid?" she exclaimed quietly to herself. 

He lead me to the front of the line and started announcing some more useless things and giving out keys. I honestly didn't care for dinner so i went straight to my room, slept, and woke up bright and early in the morning to review the contents of mentor's folder. 

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