I blush and let go of him. The guy chuckles and I look at him. He reminds me a lot of Jackson but he is different. Jackson doesn’t have blue eyes and he dresses neatly. This guy is wearing brown pants, stands in front of me barefooted and he messes his white hair. The smirk is the same, the laughter is the same. Something is odd.

“S-sorry, I was mistaken,” I whisper and walk away. “No harm done!” The guy laughs and yells after me. When I turn around I don’t see him anymore, I just feel some air passing me.

“You shouldn’t be wandering around lady,” a guard saw me and takes my hand. “I got lost,” I smile to him and he guides me back to dining room. Well, I will see Jackson at the coronation ceremony.

After going home and getting ready for the ceremony me and my mum arrived to the castle. We sat in the middle row section to wait for the ceremony to start. “You should believe, dear,” mother whispered and pointed at a balcony area upstairs. “You would see,” she chuckled and I stared at the place.

I gulped when I saw the guy from before, he was sitting next to King Kristoff. They were having a conversation and laughing. “Do you know who that white haired guy is?” I whispered and mother nodded without saying anything.

The music started playing and we all stood up. We look at the entrance and I see Jackson walking on the aisle. He is wearing the ice blue uniform, it has silver decorations and it was shimmering like stars. He has a blue cloak over his shoulders and he wears white gloves. He keeps glancing around him nervously and then our eyes met. He smiled for a slight moment and then her turned his head and he is now watching forward.

Step by step he went closer. He bowed to the pope and kneeled down. He got his blessing to be the King of Arendelle and finally King Kristoff walked in front of him. He passed the crown to Jackson’s head and kneeled in front of him. “And I present to you, the King of Arendelle, Jackson!” The pope said and Jackson turned around.

Then he walked outside and we got announcement. “The King of Arendelle will be attending to dining event after short resting period. In the meanwhile royals can go and get ready for the dining event as the commoners leave to their homes,” the announcer said proudly and people were going out.

I felt unease, I wanted to speak with Jackson. I sneaked to corridors and hided. I need to find Jackson’s bedroom. “Stop!” A guard yells and I start to run,  I run the stairs up and suddenly someone is running next to me.

“Where are you in such a rush?” A girl giggles and runs with me. “I.. I ..,” I am gulping. “Looking for someone? Hmm?” She smirks and I nod.

“Who might that be?” She giggles and winks her eye. “The new K-king,” I gulped and she smiled deviously. “Follow me, my name is Belle,” she goes in front of me and I follow her.

Suddenly she stops in front of a door. “He is here, “ she smirks and I stare at her and then at the door. “I would hurry if I were you,” she laughs and points behind of me. I gasp when I see two angry looking guards closing on me. When I look back at Belle I notice that she has left the place. Now I open the door quickly and then I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. “No! Let go of me!” I yell.

POV Jackson

I heard a loud ruckus outside my door, then it opened and I hear girl screaming and fighting sounds. What is going on? I stare towards the door and I see Fern.

“S-sorry to bother you, your highness,” one of the guards that came in with her said quickly. “She was too fast and got here already,” the other guard gulped.

I sigh, “Let her go and dismiss.” The guards glanced at each other in confused way and then let go of her. They left and I was left alone with her. Maybe I should tell her finally who I am. She looks at me and I feel bad for not being totally honest about myself.

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