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In the land of Emotion where all people are a specific feeling.

You have the Happy people, the Sad people, the Angry people and so on and so forth.

Each emotion has its own designated area. Every other day a festival is held where all emotion can chat with each other. Happy and Angry. Angry and sad.

Until one day, the Happy person went into the dark side and came out gloomy. Everything went dark.

The sky went from blue to a white to a grey to the a dark grey and to pitch black.

The people in the land of emotion could not tell whether it was day or night. Everyone seemed to be fazed by it except the sad people. They enjoyed the dark sky, reminding them how the dark sky matches the color of their soul.

Sad people turned into happy people, smiling when they should be sad.

The people did not act as the emotion they are assigned therefore leading to the end of times. The sky was yet pitch black with a rage of lightning illuminating the very dark land.

The lightning would not stop, it would array in a range of different colors. They weren't as pleasing as fireworks considering how it striked every few minutes.

The little Happy person who turned Sad was named Brendon, Brendon Urie.

Who knew if someone change emotion they would set up the world to disaster.

A young girl of the age of 20 was sent out to help Brendon. She was also part of the Happy group, who else could do the job if it wasn't for a happy girl?

The Happy girls name is Y/n l/n. Everyone voted her in as one of the happiest of the land. No later how dark the sky was it wasn't dark enough to dim out the bright smile she carried on her face.

"Don't worry, I will be back in time for the festival. It shouldn't be that hard" I chirped, placing
bread in my bag.

"Watch out for the lightning..you shouldn't even be going. It's too dangerous for you" my mother said worriedly.

"Hey.." I giggled, "cheer up. The king gave me a free reflective bracelet. I don't know if it works though. Its fairly new and hasn't been tested yet"

"Are you kidding? Hasn't been tested? You're going to die"

"at least I'm going to die trying. Plus I get to test out the bracelet. If no ones going to stop it then it's up to me. I'm doing it for you, for the people, mom. This is getting out of hand"

She shook her head in defeat.

"Just be careful. Okay?"

"Of course. I'll see you in time for the festival"

Opening the door, I looked back at my mother. Getting one good look before I left. I started my walk slow and steady, gathering my confidence, gathering the words I'm going to say to this stranger.

I've never met him before but I've heard of him. He was one of the happiest in town at least that's what I heard.

I sped up once I heard lightning strike near me. I didn't know how long I needed to walk until I had to camp out for the night.

Sometimes I wondered who or what has hurt the Happy man so bad to do this.

Looking around nothing has changed, just the dark black sky and its dancing colorful lights. The atmosphere did get a bit dense but not dense enough to suffocate you. I had to stop him before it gets to that point.

It's been two hours and my watch now read three o'clock.
In the past two hours I reached the end of Happy town, passed Angry Village, and down Sad Valley.

"This little watch seems to do the trick. I'd be dead if it wasn't for this" I smiled, looking down at the silver watch.

"excuse me. Do you think you could give me a ride to the top of that hill?" I asked the man who stood before me.

"It's a bit dangerous up there. That's where most of the light action is" he warned.

"If you take me, I'll give you this watch. It protects you from the lightning"

"You're lying"

"I came all the way from Happy town. I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for this watch"

"How do I know if you speak the truth?"

I pulled up my sleeves, showing him the sunshine mark on my arm.

he nodded hesitantly, motioning to the back of his wagon.

"Thank you so much" I exclaimed.

"Why do you even want to go up there?"

"As you can see.. The end of times is near. A young man of Happy town turned Sad making the land change in ways no one thought could be possible. If you don't mind me asking, what part are you from?"

"I'm from the Emo Zone, short for the Emotionless Zone" he chuckled, "Who sent you on this quest?"

"The King himself. He considered me the happiest person there. Everyone voted me in so that's why I'm here"

"I wish you luck. Keep your watch. You need it more than I do" he smiled, stopping the wagon.

"What about your way back?"

"I just have to rely on god" he said simply, waving goodbye.

"What is your name?!" I shouted.

"Gustav" He shouted back before disappearing at the bottom of the hill.

I looked up at the mountain that stood a few thousand miles away from where I stood.

I didn't know what the future had in stored for me but I knew it wasn't going to stop me. Not now and not ever. Not when my people are endangered.


"Finally..this bitch finally posts"

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