Don't let go.

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My phone rang from a notification, Brendon.

Babe❤: I know its 2 o'clock. You probably won't answer considering how much you love sleep. Maybe you love sleep more than you love me😂😜 but anyways, I know how forgetful you can be so I just wanted you to remember that I love you and our date is on Sunday xx

I smiled as I read the message feeling a bit guilty. Maybe he was right, I loved sleep more than anything but something kept me up that night and it was him.

Me: not asleep actually, love. Yes I remember our date, don't be silly! Can't wait to see you Sunday, I'll make sure to wear something extra flattering😉

As I sent it, I knew it was going to turn into something sexual but to be honest it was more about what I was going to wear. I had no idea.

Babe❤: Hmm..let me guess. Will the flattering part be underneath your clothes? If it is don't blame me for ripping your clothes off

Me: you'll just have to wait and see and if you do, you owe me a new pair of clothes

The conversation went on and on until I blacked out before hitting send.

The next morning I woke up feeling tired and grumpy. I hated when I stayed up late and those moments are rare.

As much as I hated working out, I did. I wanted to fit into those tight black skinny jeans I have deep inside my closet. And an amusement park wouldn't be the place to wear heels or a dress so I went with a simple outfit.

Skinny black jeans and a black stripped mustard yellow shirt with my black vans. I didn't want to look like my everyday monster self so I spent my whole day on YouTube looking for simple hairstyles.

This was after all my first boyfriend. This was my fifth date in 2 months. I didn't know if we were going fast or not but I cherish every moment we spent together.


Sunday afternoon, 4 o'clock.

The day of the fifth date.

Brendon held my hand, encouraging me on the way to the rollercoaster.

"Come on, I'll be right by your side"

"But I'm afraid of heights" I blushed.

"I promise nothing will go wrong, nothing has happened here before"

"I don't know.."

"Here, lets watch them first and if it looks unsafe we don't ride. Deal?"

I sighed, finally agreeing with him. We both covered our face from the sun, looking up to see the rollercoaster.

I wanted to prove to him that I was no chicken but things have been happening all over the news and sometimes it makes me wonder what if that was me.

"Hey, y/n. Y/n..babe" he repeated, shaking me.


"What do you think?" He asked.

"well, okay. But promise to hold my hand at all times, got that?" I smiled, squeezing his hand.

He nodded, kissing my cheek. He lead me to the entrance of the ride, squeezing my hand to reassure me that everything was going to be fine.

once it came back, we took our seats. The middle row. I not only doubled checked but tripled check to see if we were safe but once I wanted to do another check we were rising up to the sky.

"Don't look down" he laughed.

I closed my eyes, leaning back.

"You're lucky that I love you!" I screamed once the roller coaster started to fall down the rail.

He held my hand, laughing.

Everyone started to laugh and scream with their hands up in the air but as soon as the hoop came all emotion went dead.

"Fuck fuck fuck" I breathed out, closing my eyes again.

"Babe you okay?"

"We're upside down, how am I okay? I knew this would happen you jinxed it"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know.." he started to caress my cheek, "If I knew I wouldn't have bought you here"

"I know, im sorry. When are these damn people Coming? pleaseee I can't take it anymore" I cried, freaking out.

"Its okay, I'm here..calm down I won't leave your side okay?" He soothed.

As he was about to hold my hand his seat protection broke off. As fast as I put my hand down it wasn't fast enough to reach his hand.

He promised he would hold my hand at all times but he didn't and he should've. I felt angry. I didn't know if it was anger for me or him. I let him die. I let my own boyfriend slip through my hands.

"Ma'am, sorry for your loss"

I nodded, turning to face my lawyer.

"All rise"

Everyone at the court stood up, anxiously waiting for the response.

"Decision made"

I closed my eyes, looking down at my hands.

"The ride has been put to work and tested but yet managed to malfunction for whatever reason, your honor w-"


The theme park owner closed his mouth, rolling his eyes. He folded his arms, glaring at me.

I frowned until the case was ruled.

"For the death of her loved one and the malfunction of the old have to pay for the funeral and you will shut down the park until further notice. Case closed"

I smiled, I finally smiled. Brendon was getting the justice he deserved something I couldn't give him.

"But your honor, I-" yelled the park owner.

"Case closed" he repeated.

With that my lawyer and I left the court in peace. My heart may have a missing piece but in that moment my heart was content with the big win today. Sometimes I wonder if Brendon is appreciating what I did or if he agrees with it. I just hope he knows how hard I worked to get us the win. The win for him.


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