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"Get over him, he is too old for you"

"Age doesn't have a number" I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Really?" She scoffed, folding her arms. "You are like twelve and he is about thirty!"

"I'm not twelve" I yelled, getting up. "If you aren't going to be supportive then you can use the door and gladly get the fuck out of my life"

"Fine" she got up, "but don't come back running to me when something bad happens"

She opened the door, looking back at me.

"What are you waiting for?" I choked out, "go"

She left, the hole in my heart getting emptier. He left, she left.
My only friend that I ever had and she left. Didn't even support me.

"Too young, they said" I cried, pulling at my hair.

I turn to the door, the knock followed by another. Barely being heard by the rain that was pouring down to the ground.

"Leave me alone"

The knocks rushed in, the shadow of the person moving left to right on the window.

"Go away"

They opened the door. My heart pounding rapidly, feeling as if it was going to jump out of my chest.

"B-Brendon?" I questioned, walking towards him.

"I'm here, baby"

"You've left me for over three months! Who do you think you are? Asshole. You got no rig-"

He kissed me. His soft lips placed right over mine, moving in sync with mine.

Though I hated him, I couldn't resist those lips.

We pulled back, staring at each other. The sound of the rain hitting down on the roof, lightning striking in the sky. The cool wet air rolling through the doorway, reaching our noses.
The smell of outdoors being filled inside the house. Darkness lured in once the loud thunder hit the ground along with a lightning strike. Lights out. The only light seen was the strike outside.

I ran to the door and closed it, pulling out my phone quickly to put on the flashlight. I pointed it at him, his hand immediately went over his eyes, covering them for the light that blinded him.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I came back for you. I shouldn't have listened to those people. I let them get too my head. People follow me everywhere calling me a pervert and child molester! How am I supposed to just stay calm and relax? I was totally freaking out. I got tired of it after a few months and decided to make it stop and it did when I left. But now I realized that I shouldn't have left, I love you. And I can't let them get in my head, again"

Tears started building up again, sliding down my cheeks. He walked over to me, wiping my tears away with his thumb. He hugged me, rubbing my back as he calmly hummed.

"They called me gold digger, panther and gerbil! They mentioned that everytime I talked or posted anything for everyone to see. How do you think I felt? I hated it too! You thought I liked you getting called those things? You think I did? I stayed in this relationship because of us. Because I love you. I handled it no matter how annoying it got"

"I'm sorry"

"Is that all you have too say?" I grunted, closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry for not being good with words. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to handle those words repeatedly. I'm sorry I wasn't a good boyfriend. I'm sorry for not being here for 6 months. I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me. I stayed away from everyone and everything I loved. I stayed away, hidden in a place where no one could find me. I just needed to think. Please forgive me"

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