The Date

892 26 35

I finally got to buy that bra every girl talked about. That bra that squeezes your boobs together. The one that makes them look good.

I looked in the mirror, satisfied with how well they look.

Absolutely, boobielicious

I slipped on my white t-shirt, throwing over the grey hoodie he bought me. I zipped it up halfway, unzipping right after I released my shirt wasn't going to show.

I jumped to the sound of the horn being honked. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs, locking the front door after me.

I got in, kissing Brendon on the cheek.

"salutations" I smiled, putting my seatbelt on.

"salutations" he repeated, smiling. He held my hand and drove off into the night sky.

"beautiful night isn't it?" I looked out the window, seeing all the stars sparkle in the sky.

"not as beautiful as you though"

I blushed slightly, grinning at how cheesy this is. I glanced at him, seeing the shine of the moon on his skin. How beautifully it came together.

"what?" he grinned, looking at me.

"nothing, you're just gorgeous" I admitted, biting my lip.

Better looking than me..

He smirked, "thank you"

"mhm" I smiled, facing the window again.


He parked in the lot, unlocking the doors.

I got off, helping him get the stuff in the back. He held a basket and I held a blanket. We walked together hand in hand.

We swung our arms back and fourth passing the line for the visitors.

"babe, we can't go this far"

"hey, it's okay" he reassured, pulling us further from the zone.

He found an empty spot, placing the basket on the ground. I unfolded the blanket, spreading it on the ground.

He and I layed on the blanket, staring at the sky.

"what do you wish for?"

"what?" I questioned, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"what do you wish for?"

"for us to be together in the future. I want to be more than just your girlfriend"

He took a deep breath, "seriously?"

"seriously" I said softly.

"so do I" he choked out, "here" we both sat up.

He opened the basket and took out a mini fire starter thing. He lit the thing up and held my hand.

"down in the forest" he started off, turning his phone on.

I furrowed my brows looking at him, "uhm"

"we'll sing a chorus" he pressed the icon and all the lights turned on.

I gasped, not seeing the lights when we came.

Too dark I guess

"one that everybody knows" we sang together, waltzing around.

"hands held higher, we'll be on fire" we lifted our hands, smiling at each other.

"singing songs that nobody wrote" he breathed, pressing his forehead against mine.

I closed my eyes, interlocking our finger together.


Brendon's pov;

How lucky am I?

She's stunning. The way the natural light of the moon brings out her beauty is unforgettable. She's like my beautiful unicorn princess. And I love her with all I got.

"babe?" she spoke up.

"hmm?" I hummed, caressing her cheek.

"what's that noise?"

I shrugged, "the wind"

We played there quietly, listening to the crickets chirp.

I stood up, walking towards the sound.

"Brendon, don't leave me alone"

"it's okay, stay here baby"

"no, I'm coming with you" she got up and hooked her elbow with mine, staying close to me.

We followed the sound with the flashlight on my phone.

We walked for a while before we saw something.

"what would a treehouse be doing out here?" she shivered, looking behind her.

"I don't know" I mumbled, pointing the light at it.

"do you think some kids are missing around here?"

"don't be silly" I smiled, "let's go see"

"Brendon, how do you know it's safe?"

"babe No one else is here. Just you and me baby"

She sighed and followed me up the ladder. We opened the door, lifting it up. I looked around, seeing an empty bottle of gasoline.

"cmon, it's safe" I got up, helping her up

"wow" she whispered, seeing all the dark wood.

"look theirs an empty gasoline bottle, do you think they burned this place down?"

"don't know babe but this is creeping me out, let's go"

I touched the walls, running my hands over them. I squat down, seeing a few carvings below.

"come check it out"

"please can we go now" she pleaded, folding her arms.

"damn, it's getting chilly up in here"

"Br-Brendon!" she screamed, looking out the window.

I stood up, looking at the red flames that consumed the trees.

"Brendon! I told you we should have left!" she cried, gasping for air.

"what can we do? I have no cell service and we Re surrounded by flames!" I said impatiently.

She walked around the room, sobbing. I stood there, not being to move or talk.

The fire came closer, climbing up the roots of the tree.

"I'm sorry" I choked out, holding her.

She slid down the wall, crying her eyes out.

I sat next to her, holding onto her tightly, "we'll be okay"

We both closed our eyes and waited.


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