Crazy does not= Genius prt2

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Did you expect this?

Y/n's POV;

"Babe, I'm heading out with Mikey. Want anything?"

"No, well..maybe some teddy graham crackers, please?" He pleaded, smiling.

"Anything for you" I grinned, blowing a kiss.

He raised his hand, as if he was grabbing it and put his hand on his heart.

I laughed, picking up Mikey.

"Bye papa"

"Bye Mikey, be a good boy"

I closed the door behind me, opened the door of the car and sat him in his seat. I buckled him in and closed the door and went in my side.

I looked at him through the the mirror, and smiled.

I pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street.


"Of course sweet face" I put on the radio, turning it up.

He bopped his head to the music, looking out the window.

He was so much like his father.
He and his dad counted his tattoos and even discussed when he wanted one and where he would get it.

I parked in the lot and hopped off my seat to take him out of the car. He stood by me while i closed and locked the doors.

He held my hand as we walked to the supermarket. I grabbed a cart and sat him in the children's seat.

"Daddy wants cookies" he said, reminding me.

"Well aren't you smart" I smiled, kissing his cheek.

He giggled and looked around the isle.

"which cereal do you want? Fruit loops or cocoa pebbles?"

"Both" He smiled cheekily.

"No, only one baby"

"But dad likes that one and I like this one" he whined.


"we forgot to go grocery shopping again"

"We?" I smirked, raising a brow.

"yeah, we. As in a team" he grinned, licking his lips.

"Im not that hungry. We could go eat somewhere? Since Mikey is at grandmas house" I suggested.

"Nah" he smirked, lifting me up.

He sat me down on the table, standing between my legs.

"I'd rather eat here" he smirked, running his hand up my thigh.

"What're you going to eat?" I bit my lip, watching him.

"You" he kissed my lips as he pulled down my shorts and undies.

They were down on the floor, along with his jeans and boxers.

"You'll get your daily dose of vitamin D" he chuckled, whispering into my ear.

"Oh, how convenient" I moaned, feeling his finger run up my slit.

"I don't know what you've done to me Oliver Scott Sykes but its driving me fucking crazy"

~end of flashback~

"Papa eats whatever there is" I chuckled, setting the fruit loops in the cart.

I pulled up at the vegetables, grabbing a plastic bag to add broccoli.

"Yuck" he stuck his tongue out.

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