April Fools.

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Y/n's pov;

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I turned to see the empty spot next to me, Brendon.

I smiled and got up, slipping on my slippers. I went into the restroom to put my hair up then grabbed the robe from the hanger.

I rushed down stairs and saw him flip two pancakes at the same time. I ducked down, sneaking behind him.

"I see you" he laughed.

"Damn it" I huffed, getting up.

He had his arms open so I embraced him, laying my head on his chest.

"You're no fun" I pout.

"I made you pancakes though, chocolate chip" he grinned, "your coffee is over there darling"

"You're the best" I got on my toes and kissed his cheek.

I twirled over there and took a sip. I pulled a stool and sat down, waiting for him to serve me.

"Bon apple tea" he smirked.

I licked my lips, seeing him place the platter in front of me. The pancakes had strawberry & banana slices on top with syrup poured on it.

"Thanks babe, looks delicious" I picked my fork and knife up, cutting a small piece for a taste test.

"Anything for you, sweet pea" He went back to the stove, looking at   me.

"Babe, you're the worst. You betrayed me" I spit out the food onto the napkin.

"it's just raisins" he laughed.

"They're gross" I groaned.

"Its okay, I made some without raisins" he brought me another plate.

"I don't trust you" I laughed.

"Come on, you know I wouldn't pull the same prank again" he smirked.

"That smirk says other wise" I raised my brow, smiling.

I took another bite and it was the chocolate chip one.


"Wash your face, we're leaving soon" I said, putting my earrings on.

"You're right" he straightened his suit out and went into the restroom.

He closed the door and turned the faucet on screaming. He opened the door revealing a soaking wet Brendon.

"What happened?" I bit my lip, smirking.

"Y/n, why?"

"Im pranking you back. Plus you don't even like that shirt, go change"

"I'll forgive you if you give me a hug" he smiled, coming towards me.

"No, Brendon. Im already dressed and ready" I laughed.

I got up and ran across the room as he chased me down stairs. He caught me from behind and gave me a big squeeze.

"Brendon!" I laughed, "I hate you!"

"I hate you too!" He mocked, kissing my cheek.

"Now we both have to change in less than 20 minutes"

"or we don't go and just stay here" he whispered, tugging on my shirt.

"We can't, you're nominated for an award"

"I'll make a video and send it" He shrugged.

"Brendon..we can't. Get ready" I let go of him and went upstairs.


"What was wrong with you?" He asked, closing the door.

"My head hurt okay?"

He opened the glass cabinet and placed his award there.

"Want me to make you some tea?"

"No, lets just go to bed"

I jumped on his back and he carried me upstairs to our room. We got dressed in our pajamas and covered ourselves in the blanket.

"He turned to face me, puckering his lips. I did the same, leaning in.

"Just kidding" he laughed, turning his head.

"Fuck you" I giggled, hitting his chest softly.

"Right now?" He joked, kissing my forehead.

"Brendon, I have to tell you something"

"What is it?" He smiled, pinching my cheek.

"I'm pregnant"

He stared at me, laughing.

"Nice joke" he turned to face the tv, continuing to laugh as he watched.

But I wasn't joking.


April fools. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I enjoy making some content for you guys, though it might not be quality content😜 I do appreciate your support and love so thank you very much.

I'm sorry for those who took it seriously, I love you.

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