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I woke up to cars pulling in and out of the driveway. Every door opening and closing getting on my last nerve. I stood up and hopped off the bed, stomping my way to the window.

I pushed the curtains out of the way, looking down to see a rented moving truck.

There is always new neighbors coming in.

Maybe the ghost of the girl who drowned in her own vomit was haunting them

They'd move out just like the other couple did with their spoiled dick sucking daughter did.

The girl who sucked the whole block for food. Classic.

I hesitated about screaming out the window once I saw the new boy who carried a big box with his somewhat scrawny arms.

I didn't think much of it, assuming that he'd go to the same high school that I did. I shrugged it off and laid back down on the bed.


"Just don't go to far"

I nodded, walking away from the women's clothes. I made my way to the little food stand.

", what?"

I stepped up,"he means hot dog"

He nodded, blushing.

"Cat got your tongue?" I teased, folding my arms.

He tucked his red flowered print shirt down, "Maybe it did" He smiled.

"Y/n" I smiled, holding my hand out.

"Brendon" he took my hand, the sweat from his hands  transferring into mine.

I giggled, watching him.

"Sorry, I just don't get much attention from girls"

Are you fucking kidding? He looks like he came straight down from heaven!

"Really?" I gawked at him, raising my brows.

"Sir, your dog?"

"Thank you" he smiled, turning around to get the food.

"Do you want anything?"He asked, gesturing at the menu.

"No, I'm good thanks" I grinned, "maybe we can hang out? I've seen you move into the house next to mine"

"Oh, not only do you, a stranger, tease me, but stalk me to?" He smirked.

"No, no, no." I chuckled, biting my lip.

"y/n, your dad said no more guys. Remember what happened the last time? Your dad had to get you from the gas station because he decided a hooker from the corner was more valuable than you. You, boy, stay away from her"

She yanked me away from my wrist, pulling me away.

"Sorry" I whispered, feeling have of my soul float away from my body.


"Yeah, thanks a lot mom. He definitely doesn't think I'm crazy!" I rolled my eyes, slamming the door.

"Do you really want to get hurt again? Do you want to cry on my shoulder again when I told you it would happen?"

"He's different"

"That's what you said about the other one" she scoffed.

"You know, I don't need none of your bullshit"I growled, running upstairs.

I went into my room, slamming the door. I stood by the window, looking at his house.

I took big breaths, feeling my heart pump slower and slower. After staring, he showed up at the window. Staring right back at me, smiling. I wiped my tears away, laughing.

He walked away, coming back with a paper that read, "Stalker".

I rolled my eyes, getting down to get my notebook. I took the marker from my desk, writing.

I held it up, seeing his face reaction glow up. the night was long and entertaining. Though it only consisted of notes being held up where we could read it.

He had shut the curtains at 3 sharp. I smiled to myself. Thinking of how stupid this was. I barely met the guy and I'm already falling for him.



"Is it true that you have a crush?" I smiled, biting my lip.

"Indeed I do" he smiled, drinking his coffee.

"Really who?" I grinned, gripping onto my cup.

"I don't know..she's beautiful and sweet"

"who your mom?" Someone from the back spoke up, laughing.

I rolled my eyes, putting my hand on top of his.

"Ignore them. They just want attention"

"He just wants attention" he sang, laughing.

"Wow" I said amazed,"you're amazing"

"You really think so?"

"I know so"

"My mom put me into a school where all students who went there came out a star. Don't know how to feel about it though."

"Oh" I chuckled, "that's great"

"You don't like it?"

"I do. You'll do great. I just.. Feel proud" I smiled.

"Yeah, my mom says I have to sleep early in order to get it all on top. So that's why I haven't been lifting paper up" he laughed, squinting his eyes.

"Oh, it's fine"

"We're supposed to go to new york next week to watch a play and study how I can get there"

He went on and on about the amazing things he does with his family and I can't even afford a thing from the McDonald's dollar menu.

Maybe this was a bad idea. I don't want my mom to be right. He isn't the one for me. He has everything planned out and I don't even know what I want to be.

"I like you"

"hm?" I turned to face him, frowning.

"I like you"


I shut my curtains, leaving the room quietly.

"I'm kind of busy" she said bitterly.

"I'm sorry about everything. I won't try with the boy no more. He isn't for me. He is out of my league"

"Im glad you realized that. He is too good looking for you"

"Wow, thanks" I said sarcastically.

"Im kidding, honey"

I ended up hugging her for a while, thanking her over and over for preventing a heartbreak.

Back in my room, staring at the window like every Saturday night. He was still in my mind no matter how hard I thought how good looking oli is.

Rocks were being thrown at the window. I didn't even try, knowing it was him. Not even 5 minutes into rocks he called up my phone, leaving me multiple voicemails.

I replayed the last voicemail, "y/n," he choked, "I don't know what I did. You're the only girl who has ever like me and I wanted to make everything right. I don't know what I did. Please call me back. I get that you might not like me, but at least be my friend, you're the only one I have"


I'm sorry. You can slap me if you want. I might be rusty from that long ass break.

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