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You walk around the room worried if Brendon was going to be happy.

"HONEY, IM HOME!" He sings.

"Babe!" You run to him giving him a hug.

"I only been gone for a few hours" he chuckles squeezing you tighter.

"I made some lasagna just for you" you smirk seductively roaming your hand under his shirt.

"After we eat this delicious dinner we should have some fun after it" he whispers in your ear.

"Deal" you bite your lip taking his hand in yours as you guide him to his seat.

As Brendon enjoys your cooking you run your leg up his moving it in an up and down pace.

"What's with you" he smiles.

"Nothing" you bite your lip again before digging in to your lasagna.

"Alright then love" he grins eating his food.

You suddenly get this pit in your stomach "I'll be right back" you make your way upstairs and run to the bathroom. You lock the door, Lifting both tabs up you throw up all you ate.

"Y/n? You okay babe? Open the door"

You flush the toilet and wash your hands. You open the door and you see your current husband there.

"Are you okay?" He asks rubbing your back.

You jolt at the contact and sit down covering your face with your hands "Brendon, I-i have something important to tell you. But I want to let you know that I love you and I'm truly sorry" tears start blurring your vision.

"Y/n? What are you talking about?" He sits next to you staring at you.

"I u-um" you cry "I-I'm having Dallons baby" you choke out.

"What?! When did you cheat on me?!" He stands up yelling at you.

"I'm sorry! I-it was three weeks ago" you look at him crying yourself a river.

"Just get the hell out! I don't want anything to do with you! Don't talk or even look at me ever again! I can't believe you, I loved you!" He yells crying tears of frustration. He runs his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry" you start packing your bags. Crying harder at every item you pack.

"Yeah right" he stands by the door way "you got three minutes" he walks down stairs.

You have all your things packed and you walk downstairs carefully. "I'm s-"

"Just get the hell out!" He screams as he sips champagne out of the bottle.

"I'm sorry!" You yell at him "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Do you see this? These are fucking tears and I don't deserve this, I did nothing to you. Just please get the fuck out and leave me alone!" He says drinking more and more.

"Bye Urie" you say wiping your tears away but just before you close the door you hear his sniffs. Regretting everything you did three weeks ago.

Brendon Urie Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now