A clean sweep

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By the end of the day the director was ready to sell his soul for more days like this. He had watched Natsu and Emiko with fascination. They were like silk together, neither rubbing just gently gliding over each others acting. He had called no NG's on the pair all day and through their success he noticed how it brought all the actors around them up too! Even Rumi-chan had been on top of her game and in the scenes with Emiko he watched the seductress become the loving family member.

From what he knew the two woman had only worked together once before and on a commercial no less. From what he had seen today that would end as soon as people saw the on-screen chemistry the two of them possessed. He himself was already thinking of ways they could extend Emiko's stay in the drama. Natsu alone brought them amazing numbers of viewers. It was shocking in her absence just how their ratings had dropped, but with Emiko as well as Natsu? Well let's just say he was expecting big things.

They had just finished setting up for the final shot of the day when he heard the small commotion. When he saw the reason though the director almost stopped breathing as none other than Tsuruga Ren walked into his studio. He was no small time director himself, but really to work with the top actor you either had to be a top director or have the right storyline for their attention. The fact that he was currently working with this man's girlfriend, hero and rising actress had already been a big thing for his own career. The fact that the man himself was here to watch his set was maybe an opportunity to show this man just how he ran his set.

He simply nodded towards the two men who were being seated by one of the female stagehands who he was pleased to see wasn't swooning... Not too much anyway. He had just been informed they were ready. Looking back at the set he watched Natsu cleaning her nails whilst Emiko read a book. Yumika was waiting just off to the left ready for her entry. As the bit characters got ready for their exits or other such action they chatted among each other as high school students would have done on the classroom set they were seated in.

Ren had been tired all day. He had gone to his current project and had planned on being there until late in the afternoon. Yet even the best can sometimes slip and within 3 hours of being there it had been Yui who had told him to go home and rest. He was no use to them if he was ready to fall asleep on his feet. Kuon had of course agreed and decided to pick his girlfriend up on the way home. That was the loving boyfriend thing to do, wasn't it? It had nothing to do with the fact he had been thinking all day about what her and her best friend would be getting up to on the set of their drama, well almost nothing.

He nodded to the man who he knew to be the director as the kind stagehand offered both him and Yashiro seats. Sitting down he smiled at the woman who Yashiro couldn't help but smile at when she walked away as if drunk.

"Kuon, they are going to need all of their staff if they are going to finish today."

Kuon just gave Yashiro a raised eyebrow with his 'I've not done anything' look as Yashiro chuckled and looked away towards the two people on the set. One who he knew was the reason for Kuon's killer smile and then his own killer smile creator. "They look good up there together." Yashiro muttered as he looked over his own girlfriend. Her straight black hair had been curled into gentle waves and Yashiro would have been hard pressed not to admit that she looked damn good in that school uniform. He watched the actors and actresses nod as the director finished speaking to them before leaving the set.

"QUIET ON SET!" The call came as the director nodded to the technician.

"FINAL SHOT OF THE DAY. SCENE 37... ACTION." smacking down the clapboard it was as if they were spectators in a real school classroom, but the two who owned the scene were the two girls seated in different areas.

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