The weight of a life

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4th December

The ringing of her phone broke through her pleasant dreams. Pulling away from Kuon's warm arms Kyoko sighed when she spotted the glowing time on the alarm clock next to her bed. 4:39am. Scooting away towards the bedside table she looked at the unknown number on screen.

Who would be calling at this hour? She wondered as Ren murmured something along the lines of hang up and come back to bed.

But ever the polite woman, she answered the phone. "Hello.." she murmured, the tiredness and sleep evident in her voice as she yawned. Ren listened half asleep just wanting her to return to his arms so he could sleep once more. Suddenly she shot up in bed the covers slipping from her naked body. Her voice was fully awake as she answered whoever was speaking on the other end of the phone.

"Of cause Inspector. I will be there as soon as I can. Yes...please do." She hung up the phone and almost flung herself out of the bed as Kuon grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong, Kyoko?" he asked staring into her scared eyes. He was fully awake now and could sense the urgency in her as she looked back at him.

"Some thing's happened with Sho. I need to go. I need to get to his..." Ren was out of bed immediately and getting dressed in the clothes that lay scattered around the bedroom floor.

"I'll drive. You can tell me on the way," he said as she too started to pull on her clothes from the night before.

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One after another the 3 cars arrived and were admitted through the barrier of police. Shoko was there first. Kyoko and Ren arrived next, then not shortly after them Lory arrived with Sebastian. Lory watched as the young woman and her manager were being quickly led into the building by a police officer as a second officer walked over to speak with them both.

"I want the full story Inspector Takori. Don't take out a single detail." The officer bowed and began.

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Shoko and Kyoko stood shivering. The adrenaline pumping through their veins caused by the fear they were both feeling was overwhelming as the officer pushed open the door and they walked through it...

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"It appears his parents have been here the last 4 days telling him to come home. We have our suspicions that maybe they are the reason behind the recent outburst against the young talent in the news. According to another resident it seems tonight they tried to take him by force. We were made aware as this is agency property. He had until 12pm today to remove himself from the property. There was a very loud fight between them it seems and residents were telling us of the screaming and shouting. On further inspection of Fuwa's home it appears his alcohol consumption has been large and there was also evidence of damage in his home. Whether it's from a struggle, a fight or some other reason we are unsure."

Lory nodded as the inspector finished. turning to the sea of people watching a few of them he noticed were reporters they started shouting questions at himself and the young actor beside him, Lory sighed and turned slightly to Ren. "It appears the first stage of my plan has started in a very unexpected way. But now it is time to put my silver tongue to use." He smiled at the actor as he walked across to the crowd

I hope your famous silver tongue will work Kuon thought as his gaze was set upwards towards the building and the woman he loved.

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