News Flash Ren-A-Side.

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Kyoko stared at the TV screen. The scene before her eyes was familiar yet in the same moment it looked completely different. There was a report speaking about the scenes they were showing so Lory turned up the volume as the report started,

"As you can see by the number of flowers, gifts and letters outside the LME building, the number just keeps growing everyday. It's the same scene outside the private hospital in which the young actress is being treated. Even with the assurance of the LME President Takarada Lory himself that Kyoko-san is now in a stable condition and doing well, the people just keep flocking into the city to leave their gifts and prayers for the brave, popular actress who risked her life to save her senpai. The relationship between the two co-stars Tsuruga Ren and Kyoko is still unknown. Still, we have been told that Ren-sama has yet to leave the young woman's side. We now go live to Ami who is outside the hospital, are you there Ami?"

The scene suddenly flipped to the view outside the hospital and a young reporter standing before another large area of flowers, gifts, candles and cards. Kyoko now covering her mouth with her hand, half hiding her shocked expression gasped in awe.

"Yes I'm here Shinko. As you said before the number of offerings are growing bigger everyday. Every now and then two young women, who appear to be friends of the actress and in the same division within LME dubbed the Love Me section are coming around and collecting the items. As long as they're not too big of course they have promised to personally deliver them to Kyoko when she is well enough to receive them. People have been able to enter the hospital, but the the area where the young actress is being treated is entirely off limits. The staff on duty refuses to say or confirm anything. Though we do sometimes manage to get a few words from President Takarada as he enters and leaves the building. Anyone wishing to see the actress will have to receive permission from LME agency before they are allowed anywhere near."

The TV slipped to a clip of Lory entering the hospital with his aide Sebastian as reporters shouted questions around him. They were asking for news of her condition and whether he could confirm the relationship between his two talents. Could he confirm Tsuruga Ren had yet to leave the young girls bedside? Lory seemed to bat the questions away with ease as he just gave a brief statement saying that his young charge was still stable and recovering well with friends to keep her company.

The picture returned to Ami in front of the hospital as she started to interview the crowd surrounding the hospital behind crowd control railings.

"So why are you here today?" she asked a group of excited teenage girls who held a big sign reading, "Get Well Soon, Kyoko-chan!"

The girl answered, "I loved Kyoko's acting in Box-R. I was so upset to find out about the attack so my friends and I decided to catch the train in just for today to pray for the young actress and to leave some flowers for her."

There were a lot more young women praising Kyoko on her roles and also hoped she would be better soon. Some people were praising her brave actions in saving Ren who they loved and hope was OK too. No one had seen him yet. Some people were saying that they believed Ren was injured too, but they were keeping it hush hush. Lory shook his head, smiling to himself.

Still, there were other people swooning over Ren and how sweet he was to stay by his kouhai, saying it just showed what an amazing man he was and what an amazing actor he was to act out a character in order to act for a movie.

"They know about the Heel siblings?" Questioned Kyoko to Ren who just nodded silently.

The next interview was with a middle aged office worker. When the interviewer asked her for her thoughts she said bluntly,

"Well at least we know now how she got popular so fast. Someone should warn Ren-sama away from dangerous girls like that. They will do anything to get to the top."The intake of breath in the room was sharp as Kyoko's grudge antennae picked up on the angry vibes from everyone, but the woman wasn't done yet. "I noticed last year when Kuu-sama came back that the same girl Kyoko was sent by LME to pick him up from the airport. Maybe that is what this Love Me section of the President's is all about, renting out private girls for his male staff."

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