Her Heart Beat, His Story.

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When the nurse knocked and entered the scene before her was quiet and calm. The four people in the room stood almost as one and silently followed her through the corridors and hallways to the critical care unit. As they passed the reception desk to the unit itself the nurse stopped to collect a blue tray.

Ren's heart leapt as she handed the tray to him. "These are Mogami-sans belongings."

The tray contained a clear plastic bag. In each bag was a different item a blood stained blond and pink wig, piercings and jewellery. He nodded his thanks to the nurse and they continued down the corridor. The nurse asked them all to wash their hands in the sinks provided along the wall then gave them all a face mask each.

"We have to be very careful of any infections or viruses while Mogami-san is in this weakened state so if any of you feel unwell, I would ask you to please wait outside." they all nodded as the nurse continued.

"I'm sure Hideyoshi-sensei has already told you this, but when you see Mogami-san it may come as a bit of a shock to you. At the moment we have 18 machines monitoring and assisting her so it's not easy for me to say this, but please keep in mind that she will look very pale and fragile." again they all nodded in acknowledgement as the nurse turned and slid back the sliding door.

The room was large and airy with large windows that looked out over the city like the waiting room had, yet this room was filled with a cacophony of noises and sounds. Many small beeps and clicks ranged as the electrocardiograph monitor called out what Ren had been so desperate to hear.

Her heart beat…

Ren looked first to the life support machines spaced around the bed: he saw oxygen cylinders spin and deflate/inflate in a regular rhythm, a multitude of wires and drip feeds criss-crossed in complex patterns as his eyes finally fell upon her. Her normal glowing skin was ghostly white, the entry points of a multitude of drips laced her arms and hands. Monitor connectors on her finger, chest and head stood out in relief from her tiny form. She looks so small, how can she look smaller now than when she was 6? This thought amazed Ren, but looking at her now the oxygen tube breathing for her, making her tiny chest rise and fall.

"Can I get closer?" he looked at the nurse who had guided them to her. There were three more nurses in the room and also Okami who was sobbing hysterically on Taisho's shoulder as he led her from the room followed by another nurse who was talking about going and getting a strong cup of tea for them both.

The nurse nodded to Ren's request.

"She hasn't regained consciousness yet, but you can hold her hand if you like. Some people believe that people can still hear you and are comforted if you talk to them." Ren nodded slowly as he walked towards the bed.

Even with his long strides it seemed to take a decade to reach her side. Seeing the chair beside her bed for the first time, he pulled it out and sat next to the bed, it took a few minutes for Ren to work up the courage to take her tiny hand. He had to be careful of the heart rate monitor clip attached to her finger and drip feeding into the back of her hand, but he slowly slid his hand palm up along the covers and under to grasp it lightly. Lory turned to the nurse watching the young man before her.

"If it's not any trouble we'd like to give them a little while alone? This has been a very big shock for him."

The nurse smiled at Lory, "Of course. I understand perfectly. We will be just outside if we are required." she motioned to the other nurses and they all left silently, Lory watching Ren realised he probably wouldn't have even known if the sky was falling, he had eyes only for the love of his life sitting before him.

Oh Ren I thought falling in love with her was your greatest torture, but seeing her love for you in return is even too much for me to bear.

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