Box-R with Emiko

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The slightly taller girl slammed the smaller one into the lockers.

"I've heard a lot about you Natsu and sadly none of it has been good."

Natsu smiled up at the raven-haired beauty before her. "Oh Emiko you flatter me, tell me another?" Natsu said as she slowly wrapped a silken hand around the back of the beauty's neck. The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife as the flare between the two girls sparked and ignited in passion as Natsu pulled Emiko forwards into a passionate kiss.

"CUT!" called the director as the two girls on set stepped apart.

The studio was silent. This was the first scene with Emiko played by Kotonami Kanae for her cameo appearance in Box-R as a new rival for Natsu. Natsu smirked her small smile. Tilting her head slightly she leant back gently against the lockers she had just been slammed into.

"Welcome to Box-R, Emiko-san. I'm looking forward to working with you." With that she pushed of the lockers and walked away.

Not even Kanae seemed to know what had just happened but the chemistry on set had seemed to draw the act out of them. This had been an improv scene as most of Natsu's bullying scenes were but the director would never make the mistake of thinking he knew Natsu ever again. Natsu had always been sexy and hot, but this shot alone had taken it to an entirely new level. Half of the men on set would be having wet dreams tonight.

"Kanae-san?" Chiori asked as she approached the silent figure.

"You OK?" Chiori half expected Kanae to be angry but when she got near her she was what looked like deep in thought.

Chiori touched her shoulder,"Kanae?"

Kanae jumped a little startled. "I'm sorry Chiori-san did you need something?" S

"I was just checking to see if you were OK? You just seemed to freeze after...after Natsu kissed you," she ended a little slowly waiting for Kanae's reaction. If she was going to blow a fuse she hoped to minimise the damage.

"I'm sorry I was just thinking about my character," she answered in the same slow way.

"In what way Kanae-san?" Chiori asked as she watched the tall girl sit on the bench of the girls locker room set. She patted the bench beside her and Chiori sat

"I'm not bothered by the way Natsu reacted. If anything I'm impressed. When I was acting alongside Kyoko-chan I really did feel like I was Emiko and she was Natsu there in that school. It's not the first time I've felt this way. But it was so long ago that I did I had forgotten how good it felt to act alongside Kyoko. It makes me want to make Emiko bigger and better to work against Natsu. I want to be the best I can be and give Natsu hell..." her words trailed away as she looked thoughtful again.

"We all feel like that." The two girls looked up at Honami and Rumi who had approached them unknowingly. Yuka was nowhere to be seen which worried Kanae who instantly started looking around for Natsu.

"Relax she wants to apologise," Honami said quietly.

"She really feels guilty about what she did and said," Rumi added it seems Honami had filled her in on her own shortcomings during the whole affair.

"If she upsets her.."

Honami smiled, "If she upsets her we all get to say something."

Kanae smiled. It seemed Kyoko had made more admirers or friends. "I will not let her beat me with her acting skill." Kanae promised as they waited for the next scene to be set up.

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Natsu held her heart as she stalked through the corridors. The scene they had just filmed held a new type of excitement for her. She had been getting a little bored and Emiko provided a new challenge, a new challenge she would overcome. She was nearing her private dressing room when she saw the tall figure standing nervously by the door. The figure turned to her as she approached,

"Hello Tugumi. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Natsu asked as she stood in her stereotypical pose: hip cocked gracefully showing off her wonderful curves while smiling her sardonic smile.

"Erm would it be possible to speak with Kyoko-san for a moment in private." Natsu nodded as she strode forwards opening the door she held it open for the young girl who entered after her. Natsu could feel her nervousness and enjoyed the notion, but as soon the door shut behind them Natsu closed her eyes. Dropping her posture she returned to Kyoko.

"I'm sorry Yuka-san you wanted to speak with me?" she asked politely as she walked over to the couches and sat. Looking at the slightly older girl she offered her a seat.

"Erm yes err I wanted to... I wanted to..." Her cheeks were bright red but Kyoko waited patiently as she watched the older girl sit, she could see she was nervous.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry," she said finally as she dropped her head into her hands and burst into tears.

"Yuka-san?" Kyoko shouted as she stood up and sat next to the girl comforting her as she shushed the girl telling her over and over it was OK. Everything was going to be OK, but that just seemed to upset the girl even more.

"She...said you...would be ….like this," she said between loud sobs as she leant into Kyoko's shoulder.

"Who said I would be like what?" Kyoko asked really confused as she held onto the trembling girl.

"Chiori-san. She said you would be all friendly like it had never happened and you would even comfort me and here you are doing it! How can you do this Kyoko-san? How can you look after me when I hurt you so badly? When I said such terrible things to you? How can you sit here and cuddle me when I said that Tsuruga-san was only with you for pity's sake? I know it's not true Kyoko-san, it's not true! You are not like any girl I have ever met. You are kind and caring. You think of others before yourself and you risked your life for the man that brought you all the way here from your home and abandoned you without a second thought! How can you sit here and console a jealous hurtful person LIKE ME?" She looked up into Kyoko's face tears spilling from her eyes she was begging for an answer she couldn't understand.

"Because I know what you said was your opinion Yuka-san. And no one has the right to force their own opinions upon you." Kyoko answered as she smiled at the older girl who looked just as shocked by this statement as she did at the fact Kyoko was being kind to her.

"But I was wrong Kyoko-san. I was wrong, I was jealous and I was angry. Why did you get someone like that? What made you so special? I was full of so much hurt and rage, but I was so wrong Kyoko-san you are perfect together. I saw you on Bridge Rock. I have seen you on all the chat shows in the magazines and you looked so perfect together. And the way he looks at you? How could anyone deny he loves you?"

Kyoko smiled, her tears sparkling in her eyes as Kyoko nodded her head. "I know he loves me, and though I disagree we're a perfect couple. I will say I love him too, Yuka-san. I love him with all my heart. There are always going to be people that think we don't belong together. But at the end of the day I have to trust in my feelings and I have to trust in him. Do you understand Yuka-san?" Kyoko smiled at her as she took the girls hand.

Yuka nodded. "Yes I understand and from now on Kyoko-san let me help tell those people how wrong they are. Let me tell them how perfect you are for each other even if they or you don't see it Kyoko-san. I realised your friendship means more to me than my own jealousy and greed. Kyoko-san I really am sorry." Yuka grabbed her into a tight hug and Kyoko hugged back.

"I'm glad you're my friend, Yuka-san."

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When Kyoko and Yuka returned laughing to the set 30 minutes later Kanae smiled as she watched the two girls so happy. She was glad they seemed to have sorted out their differences. Her phone rang in her pocket and she pulled it out reading the caller ID and smiled. The call she had been waiting for.

"Hello Yuki, how's your day going?" she asked quietly as she smiled into the phone.

"Hello Kanae, my day is going OK. How is your first day shooting with Kyoko-chan going?"

Kanae smiled even broader as she thought about Kyoko's acting.

"Well I think it's going to be interesting. She really is an amazing actress even if she does kiss me on set in front of all the cast and crew." Kanae waited she wanted a reaction and she got one.


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