Enter Ice-Blue

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The next few weeks just seemed to fly by. Kyoko and Ren were together as much as possible. They were in each other's arms every night and woke up with each other each morning. He taught her the true pleasure of being in love and of having a lover.

Even if people didn't know the full reason they did say love suited her. She simply glowed and even the news reports, chat show hosts and lots more commented on how good she looked. She had grown her hair out since the incident just having it trimmed here and there. Kyoko's hair was now just below her shoulders and Ren never failed to tell her how much be loved it.

Apart from Box-R which was now in its second season she also did Bo every other week since Chiori and Kyoko now shared the role. Kanae said this was a good thing as it still gave Chiori time with Hikaru. The closer to December it got the more time Ren spent on his new project. Some days he would be gone for the entire day and even though she knew that he was hers and hers alone Kyoko still felt uneasy until he called her. Sometimes it was more than once whenever he had a break.

The biggest thing was their band. The Cursed Sisterhood worked tirelessly. Everyday they had the songs, the music and an amazing routine. They had even chosen their opening band. Unlike a few of the acts they had decided not to use the recording route and play fully live on the night though they had recorded their 3 disk CD which would go on sale as soon as they went on stage that night. All the profits would be going to the Starr's charity.

So on the afternoon of Friday the 29th of November when a familiar figure stalked through the halls in LME Ren couldn't help but stare. He was there for a shoot himself but when that woman stalked past he couldn't help but stare.

"SETSU!" he shouted as she walked away from him.

Turning and seeing him she smiled twisting her body around to face the two men now approaching her. She crossed her arms lightly below her chest smiling sardonically. "Hello Nii-san," she said as she saw Cain slip into Ren's eyes.

He looked her up and down and her curvaceous body slipped into a comfortable position showing off every inch of it. Cain wanted to growl it was just so wrong what he saw before him. That amazing body covered by that...that dreaded cursed suit of pink.

"Did you need something Nii-san as I'm kinda busy."

He noticed the way her hips swayed. GOD what is she doing dressed like that as Setsu? Setsu would never wear that ghastly thing. But as he looked closer Setsu was different. Her hair was still blond with pink tips it was layer so the top could be almost spiked giving off a very punch feeling her ears nose and lips were still pierced but even the jumpsuit she wore looked different he just couldn't put his finger on why looking down at the chunky high heeled buckled boots

They were definitely Setsu's. "Um Setsu can I ask you what you're doing dressed like that here?" he asked looking back up at the girl he loved.

She smiled at him. Flipping her hair slightly and tilting her head in an endearing way she took a few steps closer so she was almost touching him as she slowly leaned her head up. Gently blowing on his ear which she knew he loved she whispered, "It's a S...E...C...R..E...T Nii-san."

"OI SETSU! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! WE NEED TO GET THIS STUFF WRAPPED AND PACKED." The voice he recognised but as he and Yashiro looked up to the pick clad girl leaning against the closest photo booth door frame their jaws dropped.

"Kanae?" Yashiro called as he looked over the tall raven haired beauty. It was surely her but like Kyoko she had the punk rock style make up and hair. Her long hair was streaked with blue. Her lips was a set of snake bite piercings. Her posture screamed allure and under the suit the high heeled leather boots added to her height

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