I'm not going to break and Bo

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She's going to leave me.

Ren watched as Kyoko walked to the door. His heart felt like it was being torn from his chest. The further she walked the more it was pulled. Opening the door Kyoko stuck her head out looking both ways before backing back into the room and clicking the lock.

What is she doing? Now Ren's brain was running in overdrive. She wasn't leaving and she had just locked the door. what was she planning?

Kyoko walked back over and stood before Ren. "Close your eyes," Kyoko said in a soft voice. She looked nervous and Ren wondered as he closed his eyes whether it was such a good idea. But if this meant Kyoko would stay with him a moment longer he would go to the ends of the earth to please her.

The sound of something falling on to the sofa next to him caught his attention but he wouldn't open his eyes no matter how curious he was. He sat there breathing deeply catching her gorgeous intoxicating smell. With every lungful of air he took he felt his heart slowly gaining speed.

Kyoko felt nervous but she had to do this. She felt at that moment in time that this was the correct path. Kanae had told her to follow her heart to really listen to it. Chiori had taught her that love was not just based on want, need and desire but other emotions also. Forgiveness, stupidity and jealousy were all emotions that could be connected with love. It was not just one emotion but a formulation of all of them rolled into one big exhausting bundle. It could cause hurt and pain and be a heavy burden on your heart, but at times it could lift your spirits and make your heart fly like a newly dry butterfly rising. Its wings could take flight in an erratic fluttering, swirling and whirlwind of amazing feelings and caresses never touching down.

It had been Ren who had taught her just how amazing love could truly feel, but now she needed to take that step up and make him realise that in love you needed partnership. She wanted to be his partner and to fully achieve what he needed to understand. Taking Ren's right hand she brought it up slowly to touch her bare skin just above her left hip. Leaning forwards so she was almost kneeling on his lap she braced herself on the back of the sofa resting her head against his.

"Open your eyes Ren and answer me this. Do I look or feel as fragile as you are treating me?"

Slowly opening his eyes Ren gasped. All he could see was her creamy white skin and the white lace bra she was wearing. He now realised what had landed on the sofa beside him, her suit jacket and white blouse. Apart from her bra Kyoko was completely naked up top. Ren's right hand moved slowly as he felt the slight bump in the skin. It was very faint and the skin was a slightly different shade of white but still it was unmistakable. This was where the bullet had penetrated her body over 2 months before.

The skin was fully healed and the doctor had confirmed her fit to be released. He had even kept her in the hospital two weeks longer than necessary just to confirm this. With her forehead leaning on his he felt a little warm catching sight of her burning red cheeks. He realised just how embarrassed Kyoko felt in doing this.

"Why Kyoko?" he asked running his finger gently over the healed skin. She looked into his eyes. They never left the scar his fingers made tingle with his fiery touch.

"Why what? Why did I push you out the way? Or why am I showing it to you now?" She felt a little hot and breathless. She knew it had nothing to do with embarrassment. Ren's touch just made her feel so alive!

"Both," he whispered for the first time looking into her eyes. The sadness there broke her as she slowly lowered herself to his lap kneeling between his open legs. She faced him, wrapping her hands around the back of his neck making sure his eyes would not leave hers she answered honestly and truthfully.

Living For Her. {A Skip Beat! FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now