Love, Friends and Family.

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That day when Kanae came Kyoko was sitting up in the bed while Ren spooned her warm broth that had been specially made for her by Atsuko-san. The best way Ren could describe Kanae's reaction to this was that she had a Kyoko moment.


Dropping her bag, she raced over to the bed. Just as she got there she realised that Kyoko was probably sore so instead of jumping on her like she had just been about to do she took a deep breath before wrapping the woman in a hug instead.

Coming back to herself Ren thought as he smiled at the two girls hugging each other, both crying in their shared happiness at seeing each other again. Pulling away Ren supported Kyoko as she bowed low in the bed to Kanae who blushed profusely as Kyoko using a formal tone said,

"Kotonami Kanae, I am ever in your debt for saving my life by giving me your blood. My life is yours if ever you require it." Kanae took a sharp intake of breath and let rip at her best friend.

"You stupid moron! Do you think I faced a great needle and them pumping out my blood so you could be indebted to me? Do you really think me that shallow Kyoko?"Kanae ran her fingers through her long, raven hair as she paced 4 steps over and over before continuing,

"I'm only going to say this once Kyoko so listen good. The fact is my life just wouldn't be complete without you in it. You mean the world to me, you're the best friend I've ever had. Even though I tried to push you away with all my might you wriggled your way into my heart and stayed there. So don't ever say anything like that again you stupid baka. I love you." Kanae rested her head lightly on Kyoko's shoulder as she said the last .

After a few agonising minutes Kanae looked up to see Kyoko in streams of tears just staring at her friend with the cutest pair of puppy dog eyes she had ever seen.

"Why are you crying?" Kanae scolded as she fished out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped Kyoko's eyes. Kyoko struggled to contain herself but when she finally did she stammered out.

"Did you know I have never until this day once had anyone say they love me and now today out of the blue two people tell me that they love me!"

Kanae looked across at Ren, "So you finally said it, you big oaf." she said smiling at him as he held Kyoko's hand.

"Well it's a good thing I did before you stole my limelight again, isn't it Moko-san?" they all laughed together as a new voice joined in the conversation.

"Can I be the third person to tell you I love you then?" the three of them jumped at the interruption.

"You just had to say it before me, didn't you?"

"I don't care. Kyoko-chan we both love you too."

"And me, Onee-sama. I love you too." Maria chimed in.

"I'm afraid if I say it I will be killed but in a friendly way much like Kanae-san. I love you Kyoko-chan."

Kyoko didn't know what to say as in walked Kuu arm in arm with a beautiful woman who Kyoko hoped was his wife Hizuri Juliena. Next came Lory holding on to Maria's hand but as soon as she saw Ren she ran forwards and jumped into his arms and demanded to be placed on Kyoko's bed. Behind them were the Taisho and Okami and brining up the rear was Yashiro. It took a couple of seconds for it all to sink in, but when it finally did Kyoko was crying yet again. Ren nodded to the President, then his father and mother who looked like she wanted nothing more than to run and hug him. Okami joined Kanae-san on her side of the bed and took her hand softly,

"Kyoko my child you never have to worry ever again about not being loved. So many wonderful people love you and we always will." she stroked her hand softly as Ren, lifting Maria onto his lap so he could sit next to Kyoko put his arm lightly about her shoulders. As she snuggled into his shoulder Maria stroked and patted her hair softly.

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