Blood Sacrifice For Those We Love.

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His movement was instantaneous and so fast that Kanae couldn't help but sit there with her mouth open as she wondered if he had simply blinked and arrived at his destination. There he was, Ren stood before the doctor with a look in his eyes that no one could bear to see, yet no one could look away.

"Kyoko?" his single word spoke multitudes, his voice cracked and raspy as he begged with all his being for news.

The doctor looked at Ren and then the assembled party whom were all waiting on his words. Taking a deep breath at the magnitude of the gaze of the young man before him, he looked into his eyes and spoke calmly.

"I'm Hideyoshi Isamu. I was the head surgeon working on Mogami Kyoko, I would like to thank you for your patience. I've come to tell you a few minuets ago we transported her to our critical care unit.


"She's alive?" Okami blurted out also standing up, as her husband reached for her hand to try and pull her back down.

Hideyoshi nodded slowly and continued as Okami collapsed back onto the sofa into her husband's arms, crying quietly as he continued

"We have managed to stop the bleeding and remove the bullet. In some ways Mogami-san was extremely lucky the bullet didn't hit any organs just missing her Liver and intestines."

A collective sigh of relief sounded through the room at this yet the doctor continued on slowly,

"For the moment she is stable, but she lost a lot of blood. The bullet tore a major artery in two places. For a moment on the operating table she did go into cardiac arrest. We were able to revive her, but the next 48 hours will be critical for her. Right now, she is undergoing a blood transfusion, while we are waiting to see if there is any more available at the blood bank, I fear she will need at least another two pints within the next 48 hours. With that in mind, may I ask if any of her immediate family is present if they are we would like to know whether they would be willing to donate blood on her behalf?"

Silence filled the room. As Lory went to speak he was cut short as Ren spoke first

"Kyoko's mother abandoned her when she was very little, leaving her with family friends. I can try to contact them to see if they would be able to contact her, but her location is unknown and whether she would help if she was to be found is an even bigger question."

No one moveD or spoke at this sudden knowledgeable declaration. the doctor looked at Ren

"I will ask then if you could please try to contact her for me. We are unable to obtain the needed blood from the bank, we do have registered donors we can call for such situations yet it is better to have an exact match if we are able." Ren nodded silently.

"What blood type are you needing?" asked Lory as he was willing to offer up himself as a donor if he could. Turning to Lory the doctor replied

"This is where we have hit the problem? Mogami-san is Rh-negative meaning it is a rarer blood type so harder to obtain a suitable donor." Lory swore inwardly "So me being O positive would be of no help to you." He knew Ren was also Rh-positive and would be hating his own blood stream itself at the moment.

"No president your blood would be no good, but mine would."

Kanae spoke suddenly "Hideyoshi-hakase I am O negative as are most of my family. I'm sure we could provide you with all the blood you require since we are a large family." the doctor nodded to her then.

"If you wish to come with me we can fill in the paperwork out and get you started." she nodded and stood.

"Kanae-san shall I accompany you?"Yashiro spoke up as he could see her tightly fisted hands shaking slightly. The relief that filled her eyes when he asked this made him smile as she looked at him.

"Thank you Yashiro-san, I'm not good with needles." he stood with her and they made their way across to the doctor.

Now that's interesting thought Lory

"Can I see her?" all eyes turned to Ren who had worded the question.

Hideyoshi smiled at him gently "As soon as she is made comfortable I can ask for a nurse to come and get you, but Imust warn you it will be a very distressing sight. She is still on a breathing regulator plus a lot of other machines helping to keep her stable. If you are OK with this then I have no problem?"

Lory knew there were people who would rather not see people in that way, being kept alive by machines, wanting instead to preserve their memories of that person healthy, but he also knew that Ren wouldn't say no to seeing Kyoko.

"Please? I don't care about that, I just need to see her." Hideyoshi nodded "OK I will ask a nurse to come and get you as soon as she is ready."

"Thank you Hideyoshi-hakase, we will wait here until then." spoke Lory coming up and placing a soothing hand on Ren's shoulder.

Director Konoe and Riona decided to take their leave at this point. They spoke to Lory about telling the rest of the cast and crew just the basic details and that Setsuka-san was for the moment stable. Riona was asked not to reveal the secret of the Heel siblings at that moment which she had already guessed would be the case. Lory yet again offered his services to Riona, handing her his personal business card saying if she ever needed him for anything to let him know placing extra stress on the word anything. All she asked was that she be kept informed of Kyoko's condition and gave him her email address as he promised to personally contact her with any details as they arose. Back inside the waiting room, Ren was quietly pacing while Okami and Taisho spoke quietly together. Ren looked up at him as he re-entered the room.

"Boss I need you to get in contact with Fuwa Sho. Tell him what has happened and that we need to get into contact with Kyoko's mother."

Lory looked at him "What does Fuwa Sho have to do with this Ren?" it was the first time he had heard that type of anger about a name in a long time, the grating hatred he had possessed all those years ago when he had gone and taken him from that house in America a few times, only then he had heard this burning hatred.

"He has everything to do with this, he is the one that made her lose that important human emotion when he tricked her into running away with him from his family home, treating her like a money making maid before abandoning her." If Lory hadn't known Kuon, at that moment he supposed he would have been afraid at that look in the young man's eyes.

"OK Ren I will use the appropriate channels to contact him and we will see what we can do."

Ren nodded as he resumed pacing while Lory went to talk to Okami and Taisho.

Ren's head hurt. He couldn't believe they would have to get help from HIM of all people why did it have to be HIM?

"She doesn't even deserve a daughter as good as Kyoko." his angry voice reverberated around the room as he growled his displeasure to the world.

A strong steady hand rested firmly on his shoulder, Taisho's firm grip stopped Ren in his tracks as he looked into the eyes of the older man whose stern look sent a calming wave through Ren.

"Not everyone is lucky in whom their family are Tsuruga-san, we just have to be thankful that Kyoko-chan is no longer alone in this world like she once was. You yourself are proof of this. Kyoko-chan does not give up without a fight and she would never approve of anyone who stayed depressed over something they could not change. She is a strong girl and when she stumbles, she rises to the challenge and changes the odds. It may not be by blood Tsuruga-san, but in my heart I would proudly call Kyoko-chan my daughter."


"Friend's are family we choose for ourselves."

Edna Buchanan

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