The Cursed Sisterhood

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The security guarded watched as the girl with green streaked hair shrunk away from the the young man with blond hair. If he so much as touched her he would be there in an instant to stop the young man. He had been warned earlier in the night of the high alcohol consumption. The older teen had been drinking making him more pushy and angry with each swig. Chiori knew who it was and she hated him. But without her friends she felt scared of the now towering Sho.

"Come on sweetheart. Any girl would love a piece of me and I'm offering it to you. Can you really turn me down? I'm famous. You know I could get you anything you wanted you just have to say so."

"Then why not get a woman who can handle you fairly in return." Sho turned. Man this new girl was H.O.T. The long raven hair streaked with blue and her grey eyes shined with a sexy smile on her lips. "Run along Envy-Green I will deal with this."

Chiori just nodded as she flew off down the corridor to their dressing room. The security guard had seen the tall beauty arrive and had stood taking stock of the situation and looked around. Noticing everything including him she had smiled before sauntering over to the pair in the corridor. He watched as the raven beauty confronted the young man. He saw how the other woman had ran off then he watched as the taller girl drew the young man into a shadowy nook.

You sly little fox. He thought as he realised she had taken the young singer out of the view of the cameras. He strode forwards just in case he was needed. He saw them again. Now the raven beauty was leaning back. In a way she seemed relaxed but he knew different. Her right knee was bent, her right foot pressed hard and flat on the wall bracing herself. Just as the young man moved in for her lips the young woman sprang forwards. Her left knee lifted in a flash as she rammed her knee into his precious parts.

Sho crumpled to the floor. "You bitch! What the hell?"

Kanae looked down upon him as she towered over him without speaking. She raised her right foot pressing her 3 inch heel into his private area. She growled down at him, "Did your parents never teach you respect for women? If I ever see you anywhere near Kyoko or Chiori again I will make sure you never reproduce." To emphasise her words she leant into her heel. His hands already trying to hold his throbbing person were now being pushed and twisted by that heel. He could hardly breathe the pain was so great. It made him sick to his stomach as he tried to twist away from her and curl up she pressed down harder."Do you understand me Fuwa? I can make your life a living hell. I have friends in high places that could put your parents out of business so you listen to me and you listen good. If you ever come near me or any of my friends again I will personally see to it that you can never work in show business again." She turned in one fluid movement and walked away smiling at the guard as she passed.

"You! What are you doing? Didn't you just see the way she assaulted me? Do your job and grab her you stupid moron!" Sho screamed at the guard as he watched Kanae get further and further away down the corridor.

The guard turned to look at him slowly. "I saw nothing wrong, sir. Just a woman teaching a man what his father should have taught him a long time ago." with that he turned and left the collapsed Sho in pain.

Serves him right, was all he thought as he smiled at the girls cleverness. It would never be able to be proved if he kept his mouth shut and it seemed she knew he was the type to do just that.

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Ren and Yashiro were led to their table by a waiter. As they approached Ren smiled at recognition,

Of course they would be here.

Kuu Hizuri and Juliena Hizuri sat chatting with President Lory. They were guided to join their table where they greeted each other politely. There were too many people around to talk much but they spoke about Kyoko as a safe topic. It was well known she was like an adoptive daughter to them so they would be friendly with her partner. They chatted about work and life in general sharing knowing smiles and loving glances between parents and son.

Ren had watched most of the shows without seeing. It was getting close to 10 o'clock when the host stood up before the room to announce the next performance. Ren watched as Lory nudged Kuu who grabbed his wife's hand, his body full of excitement.

So this is it.

Nudging Yashiro he nodded towards the silent body conversation his parents and Lory were carrying out. Yashiro nodded and sat staring at the host. This is what they had been waiting for. They had come here this night just for this so now they would find out just what those girls had been up to.

"Well ladies and gentlemen we have had some amazing acts and some amazing items added to be auctioned off later this evening. Next we have for you a very different act. These 3 ladies are known for their acting skills. All three of them have taken the acting scene by storm lately. This is especially true of one of them, who recently was linked to our very own number 1 former bachelor Tsuruga Ren. This after she risked her life to save him. Really these ladies need no introduction. They are the Love Me ladies in pink. But tonight for the first and only time I give you from LME... The Cursed Sisterhood." The host shouted out the name as the lights darkened.

Let the show begin.

Lory thought as he waited with eager anticipation.

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