Her Anger, His Resolve.

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Ren smiled at her as he put his left hand on top of the hand he was already holding with his right, careful not to touch the cannula feeding the drip.

"You know Kyoko-chan I never realised it, but my life was boring before you entered it. The sky was just a blue sky, the sun shone and the stars twinkled, but somehow after you came into my life it started to change slowly, but surely. None of them seemed to be as bright or as beautiful. Your eyes shine brighter than any star, your mere presence warms me more than the sun ever could and your beauty is more endless than the sky. I remember the first time I saw you act. You were challenged to an acting contest by Ruriko. That was of course after I carried you princess style out of the forest of course."

He smiled remembering how she had complained and told him to let her walk herself even though she was really hurt.

"I remember you told me you didn't want to owe me anything and you were shocked when I offered you a seat, but the truth is Kyoko-chan when you entered that set as 'Choko' I doubt there would have been a man alive you who could have ignored you." he said with a smile, "You completely stole the stage that day. Your sheer guts and determination were obvious from the day you stepped into LME but the first time when we sat down to do the tea ceremony scene it was that determination to give acting 100% of yourself that made me realise that you were special. A raw diamond is what the Director Shingai called you and he wasn't the first or the last who would call you that."

Ren stopped as one of the machines started bleeping. It only lasted a few seconds then settled, deciding this was probably normal. As the heart monitor continued at its steady rate he looked back at Kyoko.

"You know even little Maria sees your talent. I remember the President calling me over from a shoot on my lunch break, and lo and behold you and your dear Moko-san were frolicking around in school clothes, shooting a commercial you yet again won with your own strength. She had such a look in her eyes while she told me all about your victory at the training school with the "language of angels" play script, you reversing the lines to make the sister seem like she hated her sister, but ending up by showing her just how much her dad does love her. You know I talked with her loads about her father and you got through to her in one day what we have been trying to change her mind about for years." he said with a chuckle .

"I think Lory always knew you were special, but that just stoked his fire. Watching you love his granddaughter so honestly becoming her onee-sama and her friend all in one day, not to mention shocking Moko-san into realising your talent and through your joint effort for the commercial becoming best friends. You know she would probably never say it out loud, but Moko-san truly loves you, you know that?" he added with a smirk, "Oh and then we come to your wonderful managing skills."

Ren sat back and allowed another little chuckle to escape him/

"I was so ready to send you home as soon as you turned up that morning and I was right in most respects you were a terrible manager, but in other ways you were probably better than Yashiro-san. You knew I was sick and you argued with me when telling me so, and even when I didn't listen and made myself worse you still took care of me. I'm ashamed to say it, but I think I need to tell you the reason I changed your 100 point stamp to a 90 in such a nasty way, it wasn't until Yashiro-san actually accused me of it later I realised it was because I felt sad that you were not taking care of me because you wanted to care for me, but as part of your position as manager. You really did deserve that 100 point stamp plus another 100 points simply for putting up with my stupidity."

Ren pulled his chair slightly closer to the bed so he could rest lightly on the mattress with her.

"Then we come to a time where my confusion got the better of me. I was never angry at you for doing the P.V for Sho you know in some ways upon looking back on it I think it was a very good thing for you. I just hated the idea that yet again you had made yourself present in his life and hell didn't you make an entrance?"he said whistling softly. "I've got that P.V you know I brought it just to watch you. I watch it from time to time with the sound turned off of course. Kyoko-chan it has to be said. Your beauty in that was more than an angel, more like a goddess. The first time I watched it I actually called you straight after. I must have replayed that P.V 15 times that night just watching you. You were packing for the Dark Moon shoot in Karuizawa at the time so I made up some silly excuse about calling to check to see if you were ready when really I just needed to hear your voice."

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