Kanae's sisterly side

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The continuous ringing of her phone woke Kyoko. She felt warm and safe but a bit uncomfortable at the same time. Opening her eyes she saw she was lying in Ren's arms which would be the comfortable part. They were lying on the lounge floor on top of scattered clothes which would be the uncomfortable part. Wriggling her way out of Ren's arms she sat and grabbed her phone off the coffee table just as it stopped ringing. flicking it open she was shocked when she saw:


19 missed calls

God I must have been tired, she thought rubbing her eyes as her phone started ringing again.

"Hello Moko, What's the matter?" she asked sleepily.

"Mo finally you answer! I've been calling you for the last hour. I'm guessing you haven't eaten and I'm also guessing you're hungry so wake Ren up. We will be at your place in 40 minutes and we are all going out for tea together OK?"

Kyoko yawned. She did feel hungry now that Kanae had mentioned it. "Hmm OK Moko," she said yawning again.

"Mo! Kyoko repeat to me our plan then," she said sounding a little amused.

"I'm to wake Ren up and be ready to go out to dinner with you and Yashiro in 40 minuets time." Kyoko repeated as she shook Ren lightly.

"OK good girl," Kanae said sounding like a mother which was something that Kyoko would never have associated with Kanae. Before she had always been aloof when it came to family love.

She's grown up too. Probably why Boss thinks we are ready to graduate.

Kyoko realised with a start just how much they had both grown up but Kanae speaking again brought her from her thoughts.

"Oh and Kyoko" Kanae's voice was little more than a whisper."It's best you refrain from doing anything for the next 24 hours. In that sense you're going to be sore and it's best not to stress your body out too much."

Kyoko felt embarrassed that her best friend had guessed but happy that she was giving her some good advice. "Thanks Moko we will see you in 40 minutes." she replied as she hung up the phone.

"Kuon." She shook him again. "Come on Kuon time to get up. We're going out to dinner with Yashiro and Kanae. Come on."

His eyes fluttered open as Kyoko shook him again. "But I'm not hungry," he pouted, "can't we just stay here?" he asked as he started kissing her thighs and running his hands around her waist to pull her closer.

She shook her head as she pulled away. "No we cannot just stay here. And anyway," she lowered her voice a little embarrassed by what she was going to say next, "Moko says it's best we refrain from doing anything for at least 24 hours to give my body time to adjust."

Kuon sat up looking at her with concern written all over his face. "I'm sorry Kyoko. Of course. Are you in any pain? Can I get you anything?" he asked as he pulled her into his embrace.

"I'm a little uncomfortable but not too bad."

He smiled at her embarrassment and kissed her hair tenderly. "Well you go have a shower first and I will tidy up. How long til they get here?" he asked as he wrapped the throw around her naked form putting a barrier between him and his desires.

"They're gonna be here in 40, well 35 minutes now."

He nodded kissing her sweetly on the lips before picking her up and pushing her off towards the bathroom. "Go on and shower. Did Kanae say what we needed to wear?"

Kyoko shook her head slowly. "I never thought to ask."

He nodded as he picked up some clothing revealing a bloody patch on the white carpet. "Oh god Kuon. I'm so sorry let me clean up."

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