Notes From The Heart.

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Kyoko watched with tears in her eyes as Kuu and Juliena boarded the private jet owned by Lory. They were off for home. They had already been away from work for much too long now and with her out of hospital and doing so well they had no real reason to stay. They had both hugged and kissed her begging to both come and stay with them at their home whenever they wanted. Kuu with his final hug told her they would be coming back around Christmas as Juliena was having a showcase of her latest designs so they would have to come watch. It was a tearful goodbye for both women and only the fact that they were 'men' kept the tears from spilling from the eyes of Kuu and Kuon.

"At least we have an excuse to see you know Kuon. You're dating our darling daughter so we have to make sure you're treating her right," Kuu said winking at Kyoko as he pulled Juliena away.

Ren laughed. "The way she is I think she looks after me more. I've certainly gained weight that's for sure."

Kyoko elbowed him in the ribs as they all laughed. Now watching the jet taking off she couldn't help but smile and cry at the same time, waving all the way until the jet was nothing more than a speck in the distance. Ren squeezed her hand. Pulling her silently into his chest he held her tight, the feel of her against him rousing the true nature of his desire for her.

GOD how I love this girl!

He looked down at her and as she looked up his emotions took over as he softly took her lips. Kyoko felt all the unsaid words in his kiss: the sorrow of his parents leaving, the love he held for her, the desire to be with her layered throughout with his own personal contentment.

They broke apart reluctantly as Yashiro coughed behind them. "You know I'm sorry to stop you and everything but Ren we have a talk show in an hour. If we don't set off soon we will be late."

Ren glared at him for a moment then sighed. "I suppose you're right. Lead the way."

They all walked back to the limo the president had assigned for their personal use. Getting in without a word the driver set off heading for LME.

"So what are you up to today?" Ren asked Kyoko as they were pulling away from the airport.

"I have some Love Me work to take care of. After that I'm not sure what's planned but Maria-chan wants to meet me for lunch. I'm hoping Moko-san will be there and Chiori-san too. We haven't had lunch together for ages."

Ren was shocked by her words. "The president has already allowed them to assign you Love Me work? FOR HEAVENS SAKE KYOKO YOU ONLY GOT OUT OF HOSPITAL YESTERDAY!"

She knew he wasn't angry at her so she patted his hand which never seemed to leave hers when they were together. "It's OK Ren. It's not as bad as you think. My Love Me work includes sitting down in his office in the plushest sofa he can find me with tea and cake on demand to have a look at my Love Me notepads."

She watched his whole body soften as he listened to her reasoning but he still felt a little uneasy. "You could do that at home," he said with a slight sulking undertone to his voice.

It had been largely agreed by them when Kyoko left the hospital she would be moving in with Ren. It had upset Kyoko at first since she felt she was abandoning Taisho and Okami-san but they had both given her their blessing. After all they were now her parents. She was going to make sure she visited them as much as possible. That included helping out with the restaurant.

"Don't worry. Do you honestly think I will be able to read all of those 7 notepads in 1 day? After reading just 5 pages the night I got them I was in tears. I couldn't read any more and I doubt I will be much better today." He placed his arm around her hugging her close as she continued, "And honestly Ren I think it's more that the president wants to keep an eye on me. You know he has said I'm never to be left alone for long periods of time until he is fully happy I'm recovered. You're working til late tonight so it's best I'm with company."

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