New hurt

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It was strange having Shoko drive her home but she enjoyed it. They chatted about cooking which Kyoko was happy to find out Shoko enjoyed doing. They had just pulled up outside the apartment building when Kyoko looked over towards the doors with her hand on the door handle to open it, her heart stopped. She watched Ren bend slightly and kiss the woman she knew to be Yui softly on both cheeks. As she smiled at him happily she turned and left with a slight sway in her step.

Shoko saw the exchange as well. Seeing her young charge stiffen then crumple she did what she knew she had to. "Shall we go?" she asked the now silently crying actress who simply just nodded. Pulling out onto the road Shoko drove to the only other place she knew that would be safe for Kyoko at that moment as she drove to the Takarada house. Sebastian was surprised when he opened the door to Shoko-san who was supporting a tearful Kyoko-san. He didn't ask questions just bowed them in and shut the door.

"Is the master here tonight?" Shoko asked as she walked Kyoko into the lounge.

"No ma'am he is away for the evening with mistress Maria. They will be back in two days."

Shoko nodded in understanding. "Is it possible.." Shoko stopped not sure of how to phrase her question to the normally silent aide.

There was no need to worry. "Adjoining rooms are already being set up for both of you Shoko-san," he replied as a young maid entered with a tray that had tea for the guests.

She thanked her then forcefully got Kyoko to take the cup. Taking a deep breath she stood and walked out of the room. Sebastian followed without a word.

"Sebastian-san I need to know what you know about a Yui-san who is currently working on a project with Ren-san." Sebastian's eyes never flickered as he answered in the same tone he always did.

"Yui-san is working with Tsuruga-san on his current project which is protected by contract on a need to know basis. There is truly no more information I can give you about this as I do not know myself."

Shoko sighed. Even if he did know he would never tell her. It would be seen as betrayal to his master. She knew this as well as he did. Keeping her voice calm she said, "I need to contact the president immediately. Is there a way I can reach him?"

Sebastian nodded. "Is it an important matter?"

Shoko looked at the eyes of the aide and she saw concern lying there. "Tell him it holds the sanity of Miss Mogami-san. I'm sure he will think that important enough."

Sebastian nodded and went to try and contact his boss.

Ren you prat what the hell was that tonight? She doubted it was anything to do with love, but her young charge was already scarred by betrayal and already hurting so badly. She saw in that friendly kiss what she wanted to see and nothing Shoko, Kanae or anyone for that matter would be able to change her mind, only Ren.

Ren had been pacing his apartment for almost 2 hours. He looked at the small cake he had placed on the table. The president had told him all about the incident with Sho from that morning. He had been seething with fury as he had sworn to find and kill the bastard there and then. But hearing how Shoko had stood up against her charge and of Kyoko controlling the situation and then later how Shoko-san would be becoming Kyoko's manager he was willing to forget his anger and celebrate with the woman he loved. Looking at his watch again he startled as his phone began ringing. He didn't even look at the caller ID he just flung it to his ear opening it as it flew.

"Kyoko?" he asked as he listened praying it was her.

"I'm sorry Ren but I'm not Kyoko though she is the reason I'm calling." Ren registered the voice with some surprise.

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