When Hearts Collide.

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To begin with her world seemed to buzz. What's going on? Where am I? She ached all over. Slowly she felt something, what was it? A steady warmth spread through her body slowly. As she started to register the warmth, sounds filled her ears

*Beep...Beep...Beep* *whizzzzzz* *Clug-click Clug-click*

It made no sense to her. As she slowly opened her eyes and tried to move, the thing she now realised to be her hand was the source of the warmth. It took her a while to be able to open her eyes. At first the light had blinded her, but slowly and carefully her eyes adjusted. She looked at the blurred figure resting beside her hand on the bed. There was a mask on her face and her throat felt sore, but as her eyes became more clear she recognised the form holding her hand. She wiggled her fingers slowly and the form that had been lying their head on the bed roused slowly before turning to face her.

"Ren." she tried to whisper, but only a small, dry rasp came out.

The feeling of the fingers fluttering in his hand stirred .

I must have fallen asleep. he thought as he slowly sat up and turned towards his beloved Kyoko.

His heart sang out her name as she looked at him with slightly glazed eyes. His heart skipped a beat as he looked into those beautiful eyes. A tiny rasp from her throat brought him to action. He clicked the call button for the nurse on duty. As of 2 days ago they had proclaimed that she was stable enough to remove the breathing tube and replaced it with the oxygen mask. The 24 hour care was slightly reduced as the nurses would now only come and check on her at regular intervals. The life support machine hooked into the nurse's station so if anything was to go amiss they could be there in a matter of seconds.

"Kyoko-chan, it's OK. Don't try to talk. The nurse will be here shortly." he squeezed her hand lightly and hoped she knew it was him as her eyes seemed unable to focus.

The nurse came bustling in. "Tsuruga-san what's..." her sentence stopped as she saw Kyoko's eyes open. Picking up the phone next to the door, she called through to the nurse's station, "Hello please send Hideyoshi-Hakaze to Mogami Kyoko's room with a small team of nurses. She's awake."

The last words flew excitedly from her Ren realised. There had only been 7 nurses and Hideyoshi had been charged with the care of Kyoko, so all the nurses talking to the friends of this young woman all saw how amazing she was. The current nurse Atsuko-san was a big fan of all of Kyoko's work. Yashiro had even brought some of his private collection such as her PV with Sho and the special edition that included footage behind the scenes of Dark Moon.

She walked around the bed to the opposite side of Ren "Hello Kyoko-san. My name is Atsuko. You're currently in the hospital at the moment. Don't try to talk for now, just nod if you understand."

Kyoko nodded slowly and Ren squeezed her hand.

"Can you remember why you came to the hospital Kyoko-san?"

Again Kyoko nodded the nurse smiled at her.

"Do you know who is holding your ,Kyoko-san?"

Kyoko slowly turned back to look at Ren and his heart stopped. Didn't she recognise him? Had she suffered brain damage? The doctor said that when she went into cardiac arrest during the operation there was the smallest chance it could affect her brain due to the lack of oxygen.

Yet his heart released as soon as she put the tiniest of smiles on her face and nodded. The hand in his own fluttered again as he held it tight in his own.

"Very good, Kyoko-san." she said as the doctor and nurses arrived.

All of them smiled, seeing her eyes open Ren tried to move away to make room for the doctor, but as he tried to release her hand with the tiniest bit of strength she could muster she held onto him, her eyes screaming don't go. Seeing this the doctor just nodded and went to the side Atsuko had been standing.

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